Trapped on a tour bus with BTR part 3

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I woke up by some people talking to each other. It where James and Logan, they were already awake. I stood up and sat me next to Logan at the table.

James:” So this is this is the girl you told about?”

Logan: “That is she.”

Chloe: “I’m Chloe.”

James: “Nice to see you Chloe.”

I at my breakfast that Logan made for me while Kendall and Carlos also came sitting at the table. We all eat our breakfast, and when it was 2PM, we were at the next stop where BTR will perform.

Logan: “We have a rehearsal now, do you wanna stay here or come with us?”

Chloe: “I stay here if that’s okay.

Logan: “Sure.”

They all went out the bus and I was alone now. I looked between their stuff and found an empty book. That was perfect cuz I need to get my feelings away and if I can’t say it to anyone here, I can write it. I took the book and a pen and sat me down on the couch. I start writing

Okay I gonna use this book to write my feelings down. I can’t tell the boy’s cuz it is just something stupid. I really love Logan but now I am every day around him I’m just crazy for him. I need to tell anyone but I haven’t my best friend over here and if I tell Kendall, Carlos or James that I’m SO in love with Logan maybe they will tell it to Logan and then things will be awkward. Cuz he will never feel the same and then things gonna be wired between us. And he can get every girl he wants. He can get a model or someone more beautiful than me so I just have no chance with him.

Before I stop writing I hope nobody will read this, I will die if they see this.’

I closed the book and hide it under the couch so nobody can find it. But now I feel lonely so I went out the bus to the boys. They were singing song for you one of my favorites. After that song they came over to me.

Carlos: “I thought you will stay in the bus?”

Chloe: “I was lonely”

Logan: “Awe she missed us.”

Damn Logan was cute when he said that. All those feelings, why?

Chloe: “No, I just need some people around me.”

James: “You can say that you missed us cuz we all know that you love us.”

Chloe: “if you really want it, I missed you guys.”

Kendall: “Awe she is so cute.”

Chloe: “euh thanks.”

Kendall hugged me for now reason but it felled good. But when he hugged me, a man shouted that they have to continue with their rehearsal. So they start singing again and after 3 more songs they finished. They came back to me and Logan, Carlos, Kendall and I went for a drink.


The boys and Chloe went for a drink but I went to the bus. I went inside and saw Fox looking under the couch. When I came in he looked at me and back under the couch. “Is there something under the couch, boy?” I said to fox and he looked at me but then back under the couch. There was something so I walked to the couch and went on my knees and looked under it. There was a book. I took it and sat me down on the couch. I opened the book and start reading.

Okay I gonna use this book to write my feelings down. I can’t tell the boy’s cuz it is just something stupid. I really love Logan but now I am every day around him I’m just crazy for him…’

Chloe is in love with Logan? I need to tell him. But then I read the last words.

…I hope nobody will read this, I will die if they see this.’

I need to tell him but I can’t. She can’t know that I read this.


Sorry for the late update :(

Trapped on a tour bus with BTR (Logan Henderson + BTR) (finished + sequel)Where stories live. Discover now