Officially freaked out

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His eyes widened, he knew about the arm but never really bother to ask how it worked. Save that story for later.
He picked you up, sweeping you from the ground and carrying you like royalty, into the living area.

"M-Mettaton, what are you doing?" You began to blush.

"Oh, (Y/n) dear, stop asking such obvious questions." He smirked slightly, and set you down on the couch.

"Now, if you don't mind..." Mettaton pushed you back onto the dark leather couch and unhinged your arm.

"Hey! I need that you know!"
You reached for his hand, but he grabbed your wrist with his free hand.

"Who needs arms..." He poked your thigh,"With legs like these, hm?"

Your face heated up, "Don't you have a door to close!?"

The door still stood open, awaiting its night in shining armor to close it.
Mettaton why.

He sighed, sat up, and kicked the door lightly with his foot. Then, coming back to you.
"Now I'm out of the mood, dolce."

"What mood? Are you sad you had to close the door?"

"Yes, (Y/n) why are you so cruel?"

"Oh poor you," You huffed.

Mettaton turned on the TV, probably knowing that you two would get bored sooner or later. He knew a completely different way to settle boredom though.

You turned your attention to the television, interested in what channel he was going to choose. Though it doesn't say much about him, as he flips to a channel that just streams movies.

This one wasn't so bad. Though it has some scary moments, it wasn't a horror movie. But for the times it got very tense, you hadn't realized you moved closer to Mettaton for comfort.

Right as a commercial began to play, Mettaton turned the television off. This made you slightly confused, but he turned to you, about to speak.

"Can you close your eyes for a second?"

"Huh? Oh...." You hoped it was what you thought, but closed your eyes anyway.

After a minute or so, you felt breathing against your lips. He's so close...
Shit what about my breath?
What about the time.

"METTATON LOOK A SPIDER!" You yelled, falling off the couch.

"(Y/n), are you alright!?"

You nodded, face heated and with an embarrassed smile.

"Uhm... What time is it?"

He looked at the clock on the stove, "Late-- but you aren't going home, you're staying here."

"What do you mean here? Your house?" You questioned, hugging a pillow to your chest with your one arm.

"No sweetie, in space— yes my house." He huffed out, sort of annoyed.

"Then I call the couch," you said in almost a split second.

"No! I sleep on the couch tonight! You. Bed."

The two of you fought again and decided that youd both make a pillow fort on the floor.
The fluffy blankets were laid out on the floor, between the loveseat and couch; and the pillows were strewn about to make walls and a little entrance, facing the kitchen.

The two of you sat there, playing a game of truth or dare.
This time it was your turn.

"Alright.... Truth or dare, Metta," you hugged a pillow to your chest.

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