After your brother tells you about the new neighborhood he's moved into, you decide to make a fresh start and move in as well. You never expect to make close friends right away. Or to have two guys fall in love with y...
After we ate breakfast, Zenix brought me home. Now I'm just sitting on my couch, catching up on text messages. Suddenly, I get a text from Sasha. It says, "You lost the battle. I've got him." What the Nether does that mean?! I don't want to text back, but I want to know what that means... As if the phone read my mind, she texts back, "Come to your love's house. Oh wait, he's not your love anymore..." I immediately know what is going on here. I drop my phone and sprint out of my house, my front door flinging open. Sprinting, I accidentally run into something, causing me to fall down. "Ow, watch where you're---" the voice stops when they see me. It's Dante. He gives me an ice cold look before reaching out his hand to help me up. I just stare at it, unsure on what to do. "I'm not made of acid, you know." "I know," I reply coldly, "you've just been a jerk lately." "Would a jerk help you up?" Dante asks. I sigh and take his hand and he helps me up. "Thanks." "Why were you running?" "I got a text..." is all I say. Dante raises an eyebrow, "You don't trust me now?" "N-no," I groan, "It's just a long story." "I've got time." I show Dante the text messages and he pulls out his phone. "That's Sasha's number." "Thanks, Captain Obvious." "Hmm..." Dante looks at me deep in the eyes, "I'm coming with you." I give him an annoyed look, but I can tell there is no changing his mind. "Fine. Now come on," I feel him grasp my hand, which makes me flinch. But I don't let go, and instead I drag him toward Zenix's house. When we get there, my mouth drops open and I feel tears start to form in my eyes. No... He wouldn't... I don't believe what I'm seeing is really... she must've used a potion or something... I mean, why else would Zenix willingly kiss Sasha like this...?!
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Dante puts his hands over my eyes and pulls me backward and away from the scene, but I fight against it. "Y/N, stop!" Dante hisses in my ear and I stop struggling. I don't move his hands away from my eyes and I let him guide me away from my worst nightmare. Suddenly, I feel my legs swing upward and I scream as Dante's hand moves away from my eyes. I see Gene, holding me bridal style with Dante right next to him, trying to get me back. "LET HER GO!" "This little plan isn't done yet," Gene snickers and I gasp as his lips get closer to mine.
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Our lips never touch, for something makes Gene screech and drop me abruptly as he grabs his stomach and falls onto the pavement of the sidewalk. I expect it to be Zenix, punching Gene hard for trying to kiss me, but it's not. Instead, it's Dante, beating Gene to the ground with his fists. Zenix rushes over, Sasha right behind. "STOP IT, YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" Sasha screams. Zenix punches Sasha in the face and I blink hard, as if that's not what I'm seeing. "WHO CARES?! IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Zenix yells in her face. He looks over at me. "Y/N..." I just glare at him and move my attention back at Dante beating up Gene. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, BIG BROTHER!" Dante shouts. Gene spats out blood from his mouth, and that's when Zenix jumps on top of Dante, dragging him off of Gene. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Zenix huffs, but Dante's not done yet. He continues to punch, but instead he is punching Zenix. I don't know what to do... Sasha just stands there with the same expression I have and Gene is laying motionless on the ground, bleeding from his mouth and nose. "STOP PUNCHING ME!" Zenix yells at Dante, "WHY ARE YOU PUNCHING ME?!" but Dante doesn't answer and he doesn't stop either. I... I have to stop this... I rush over to Dante and Zenix and before Dante can blow another punch, and I kiss him on the cheek... please... please stop...
Sorry for the intenseness and I hope you like it! Also sorry for the cliffhanger... Anyway, another chapter will be out soon! Thanks for reading! Nya, Soccerkitty7