Part VI

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I don't know how many of you guys know it yet, but this story is nearly ending. There are only ten parts to this, and we're now at Part 6. This one is dedicated to another friend of mine, Tricia, who just told me that she loves my stuff. Thanks girl, and I hope you like this chapter! :D

I was still sitting on the couch, shocked out of my mind, when Nan came in. She didn't notice my stricken expression at first, as she tut-tutted about how horrible the weather was, and how unreliable the metereologists were. Then, she noticed me on the couch.

"What's wrong, Anna?"

I didn't answer. I just kept staring at the dark TV screen, my legs tucked up to my chest.

Nan came over and nudged me. "Anna? Anna? Are you in there?"

I turned to her with my blank expression. She sank onto the couch beside me. "Anna? What's wrong dear? What happened?"

"Nan...I don't know if you'll believe me..." I began in a voice barely above a whisper.

"What, love?"

"Liana Theron called." I choked out.

"That scheming little whore!" Nan screeched "Out to get my innocent granddaughter and taint her with her vile ways!"

"She's coming back, Nan. She's remarried, with stepchildren."

"Edgar is not going to like this, Anna," she told me, like I didn't know that already.

"Uh-huh. She's going to live with them in Woodside Hall. I mean, its as much her house as it is, his." Then suddenly it hit me. No wonder Dan had been crying the other day. It must be so, so painful to be in the same house with your parents, when neither of them spoke to each other. Liana  had told me that she was already made the arrangements and had informed them earlier, but was telling me as an afterthought.

I had to speak to Dan, right then. I called him on his phone. It rang and rang for a long while until he answered.

"Dan. I need to see you. Now."

He sounded woozy as he replied, "Where?"

"At the playground. In ten minutes."

I didn't wait for him to answer. I grabbed my purse and left the house while Nan was still in the shower. I didn't care that it was a school night, or that I had to finish the last chapter of 'The Chrysalids' for literature the next day.

I usually took ten minutes to stroll there, but today I brisk walked the three blocks to the playground and reached it in five. I tapped my feet as I waited for Dan. It was like history repeatting itself. I heard the crunch of leaves, but when I turned to look this time, I saw Dan. Alone.

He was stumbling toward me slowly. He bumped into a bench and was about to fall forward when I ran over and caught him. He stumbled into my arms, and I smelled the distinct odour of alcohol on him. I supported him to the nearest bench and shoved him onto it. He grinned drunkenly.

"Are you drunk?" I demanded, sitting down next to him. He shook his head slowly.His body heaved, and he leaned over the bench to throw up. He was definitely drunk. I used the hem of my shirt to wipe the corners of his mouth. God, it smelled horrible.

"Dan, are you okay?" I asked soothingly.

He shook his head and seemed somewhat sober. "Do you hate me, Anna?" he asked innocently, almost like a child. His expression brought tears to my eyes.

"No. I don't hate you. Never have, and never will. " the answer was right out of my mouth before I could think of anything else.

"Lauren's not responding to me, Anna. I took her out for pizza yesterday, and she just ignored my efforts to make a conversation with her. Mum's coming back, and Dad's really upset 'cause she's got stepkids and she's gonna live with us."

He said it really fast, telling me all his problems in one breath so they would disappear. If only it were that easy. He began to sniffle, and then to cry. I was shocked for a moment before I put a comforting arm around him and tried to pacify him as best I could.

I helped him off his chair and took him home.

"C'mon, Dan, let's go home, eh?" I wiped the tears from his eyes and helped him up. I knew he would be unable to walk the whole way, so I took him to the bus stop. There were few buses around, but it was nearly 45 minutes before the bus came. I helped him onto it. The bus driver looked at me angrily.

"Is he drunk?" he demanded of me. There was only one other person on the bus, an old man, who clucked his tongue and shook his head in a disappointed manner. I wanted to kill him.

"Please, its just two stops, sir. I'll pay for the two of us."

I threw all the coins I had in the machine. I thanked the lord when he gunned the engine and the bus began to trundle along the dark road.It finally stopped near the bus stop at Dan's house. We were the last ones on the bus. The old man had got off at the stop near the bar. How hypocritical.

I helped him off as the bus drove away. He threw up into a grass patch and got some on my jeans, but I didn't mind. When he was done, he leaned onto me heavily as I supported him all the way home. As we staggered up the driveway, and reached the porch, he leaned in, close to my ear and said something. I didn't hear him, and told him to repeat himself.

"I love you."

I was momentarily shocked, but I made sure that I returned Dan to his dad before I left. Mr. Theron was pacing about worriedly when I knocked on the door. I could see him through the frosted glass window panes. He unlocked the door quickly and let us in. I helped Dan onto the couch, where he passed out. Mr. Theron looked at him first, then me.

"What happened to Daniel, Annalisa?"

Mr. Theron never really got round to use our nicknames, but that wasn't the big deal. "He's just a little upset. And drunk." Mr Theron looked pained, and noticed the vomit and wet on my shirt. He made contact with my eyes. I grinned weakly.

"Did he vomit on you?"

I scratched the back of my head. "Yeah, but that's fine. I better get going."

"Yes, and thank you for your help."

He showed me to the door, and I hurried home. In my house, Nan was the one doing the pacing.

"Where have you been?" she wailed.

I had not strength to speak. I just went to my room, changed and left the soiled clothes on a heap on the floor, and slept dreamlessly.




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