behind his mask [Masky Fan Fiction]

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Hello, My name is Schelby, I'm 15, and currently live with my mum and step dad. I have a sister and a half brother, and i have to share a room with my sister, because there are no more rooms for me. She is annoying. She only stays on her computer and when she's not on it, shes either yelling at me, or eating 5 things at once. My brother doesn't really like to talk to me, but, its because he never really cared.


It's 5:15 in the morning and its friday. My alarm went off telling me to get up. I grabbed my clothes and headed out my bedroom. I noticed a smaking noice, Like lip smacking, coming from my kitchen. I went and investigeted. There was a figure sitting on my counter, it was eating something. I took a step closer and it quickly looked over at me. It startled me and i jumped back. I quickly turned on the light to see a man that looked at least in his really late teens or really early twenties. He had on a white mask with black lips and eyes  and little, half circle eye brows. I can see a little red glow coming from his eyes that was aimed at me. He was wairing a goldish colored coat, jeans, and black shoes. I can see two figures out of my window, but couldnt see them well.

I looked at what he was eating. "is ... That my cheesecake" I said whispering, trying not to make a loud noice. He sprung up from the counter and started running twords my pantry and dropping the cheesecake. I pounced on him, pinning him to the ground. He struggled, but i pinned him harder. "what do you want?" I asked him. He snickered, but didnt say anything. I smacked him. "" I asked him.

He gasped for a breath and snickered. "I already got what I want" he said.

I leaned in closer to his face. "and what was that?"

I think he smiled. "Cheesecake" he said and took a breath. "and to kill your family" he said.

A tear ran down my face. I stood up and kicked him in his side. "You prick" I said through my teeth.

He held his side and laughed as he took in breaths. "My name is Masky" he said still laughing.

I kicked his jaw. "I DONT CARE" I yelled at him.

he adjusted his jaw, making a crack noise. "My god, your scottish accent is thick" he said.

As i was about to kick his chest, i saw a guy in a yellow hoodie and black mask with a red frown in the corner of my eye. I heard a loud bang noise echo and fell to the floor with a huge headache. I fell uncounchous.


WARNING: If you don't like sexual content, skip to next chapter.

I woke up tied to my bed, naked. I tryed to scream for help. But it was muffled. I realized i had a gag in my mouth. A figure opened the door. I looked over at it. "Ah, you're awake. That makes this better" I heard the figure say. I reconized the voice. Masky. Or so he called himself. He got closer to me in the light. He took his pants off, along with his boxers. Thats when I realized what was about to happen. Rape. He climbed on top of me and started to kiss my neck. Tears strolled down my face. He found my soft spot and left a huge hickie. He corresed his hand from my shoulder, to my hip bone. "You're awfully thin, aren't you?" He questioned me. I gave a slight nod as a few more tears crawled down my face. He snickered and whispered in my ear. "I'll remove the gag if you won't scream for help, and if you do, I'll have to kill you" i nodded. The gag was hurting my jaw. He removed it and smiled. "hehe" he giggled then thrusted it in me.

"Gah" I screamed out as a tear rolled down my face. Right there, is when I lost my virginity. It's not the way I wanted it to go. He kept thrusting. I tried to hold back the screaming, it hurt so much, tears poured down my face as he kept doing this. He began to cut the rope "don't go anywhere or try to fight me off, I won't go that easily" he said.

I nodded and sobbed. "ok" I said panting and sobbing. He cut the rope on my hands first, I quickly put my arms around him. His cold jacket felt good on my arms. "please" i pleaded. "stop and i won't tell anyone, not even the police, or my best friends, just please, stop" i begged.

He put an arm around me and cut the rope off my legs. There was a moment of silence. He broke it by saying "Turn over". I frowned as my eyes widened. I sighed and a tear came down my face. I did as he said and turned over slowly. He thrusted in my ass. I cryed the whole time. I must have past out of exsoustion and crying to much, because I don't remember the rest of what happened

behind his mask [Masky Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now