Three Smiley Faces

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Liam and I have been together for a few months and we still haven't passed our honeymoon stage yet, not that I'm complaining. But I have also realised that I spend too much time with him when I'm not working that I have somewhat been neglecting my friends. So Josh, Amelia and I are going out for lunch today.

'Are you sure we can't spend the day together?' Read a text from Liam in response of me telling him that I'm hanging out with my friends for the day.

'No, we can't. I haven't spend much time with them lately so we're meeting up catch up.'

'Okay. But just for the record, I will bother you the whole day.'

I read the last message and laughed. I have no doubt that he will bother us and I know for sure that Amelia will take my phone from me and then turn it off if he doesn't leave me alone today.

I tossed my phone on the bed and then dressed myself in a white T-shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers before taking my phone and wallet and putting them in my pockets and then going to the kitchen.

I poured myself juice and then went to watch TV while I wait for my friends to come and get me. About halfway through Friends is when they came in, without knocking.

"Ready?" Amelia asked and I glared at them.

"I've been been ready. Why are you late?" I asked them and they just blushed. I narrowed my eyes at them and let it slip. I have a feeling they won't tell me the truth, which means I have to find out myself.

"Traffic!" "Something came up!" They both said and I just nodded. I really don't know why they always expect me to tell them everything when they always hide things from me.

"Let's just go." I said and we left the house. When we got to the car, Amelia sat in the back seat, which was weird because she always calls shotgun or cheat her way to the front seat. She also was quiet and I was beginning to worry about her.

We got to our diner and went in, Josh ran to the counter to order for us even though the waiter usually comes to order. That and the Cook already knows our orders because we always order the same thing.

Amelia and I take a seat at our booth which was luckily empty. Josh comes just as we take a seat and Amelia stands up. "I'm going to get our drinks." She got out and ran to the self-serve machine to get the drinks. I also noticed that they weren't looking each other in the eye.

She came back and we sat in silence. "This is ridiculous." I muttered before taking my phone out and began texting Liam.

'Something happened between Amelia and Josh. You don't understand how awkward it is. The tension here is unbelievable.' I sent.

'Maybe they finally admit their feelings?' I got a reply almost immediately, as if he was waiting for me.

I looked up at the through my lashes and saw that they were stealing glances with heavy blushes on their faces.

'They can't keep their eyes from each other. And they are blushing. AMELIA IS BLISHING!' I sent just as Amelia asked who I'm talking to.

"Liam." I answered and we continued to discuss the couple sitting in front of me.

"Put down the phone and talk to us." Amelia attempted to take my phone but I put it under the table.

"Not until you tell me what is going on between you two." I looked up and I saw the blush covering their faces.

"Nothing." They both said.

"Okay then." I looked down at my phone again and continued to talk to Liam.

"Okay!" Amelia said. I looked up and saw their red faces. "Josh and I are dating." She said.

"Hold on." I said and then told Liam what she just said and told him that i have to go.

' :) :) :)' He replied.

"What did he say?!" Amelia asked.

"What did who say?" I asked confused.

"Liam. I know you told him." She replied.

"Nothing. He just sent me THREE smiley faces." I replied before asking how it happened.

All I can say is that I'm very glad my friends finally figured it out.

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