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The whining of annoying teens was driving Robert insane. He hated working here, of course the first week was fun and easy, but now... Now it was full of dumb teenagers who would take millions of way too filtered instagram pictures of their order and then attack it with hashtags. The line was so long that it ended in front of the store and with the doors wide open, the store was getting freezing and it slowed Robert down. Barstucks had just come out with it's new drink, the Gingerbread Latte, or the Gingerbread Fatte as Robert would call it, becuase it had so much sugar inside, that it made him sick whilst making it. So, since this new diabetes bomb was out, thousands of Fatte teenagers swarmed to the nearest Barstucks, to instagram the new discovery and of course, hashtag it to death. The only good thing with new products was that Robert had to do the same thing over and over again which wasn't that hard. Unfortunalry though, the order wasn't always only that, there was always that perfect figured girl who would go for the healthy option and order a smoothie of some sorts and this would slow Robert down. It didn't help that he was being yelled at by all these idiots to work faster. Robert glanced at the clock. Ugh, well his shift is almost over, he'll survive this.

"One Gingerbread Latte! Gingerbread Latte! Two Gingerbread Latte's! Hurry up! Gingerbread Latte! Banana Smoothie! Gingerbread Latte!"

Robert was trying his best to master all the Gingerbread Latte's he had to produce but it simply wasn't working out. Just as he was losing all hope, his colleague, Justin, came to the rescue. Together they swiftly prepared each drink and handed everyone their orders. Unfortunately, Robert had to make the banana smoothie because Justin cut his finger whilst cutting up the banana, luckily though, rush hour was over so the number of orders decreased. Robert, oblivious to his surroundings, poured the banana smoothie into the cup, and closed the lid. He walked up to drink-handling counter where there was a small line, and just as he was about to read the name of the receiver, he looked up and to his amazement, found Skylar reaching out shyly for the smoothie.

Stunned and surprised he read the name on the cup, "Sk-Sky?". The girl nodded and edged on, reaching even further for the cup. Surprised, Robert just kept staring at the girl when suddenly the cashier, Edwin, yelled out four more orders which brought Robert back to earth, and because Edwin so unexpectangly and loudly yelled out the order, the cup in Roberts hand jumped out of his grip and landed all over Skylar's navy jumper.

"Oh my god, I am so so sorry." Robert kept on repeating over and over again. "I'm so sorry, really, I'm so sorry, I just-I'm sorry.." Skylar was a bit upset but she didnt begin to scream or threaten that her wealthy daddy will sue Barstucks, instead, she just said that it was okay and that it happens, but Robert wouldn't let her leave. Just then, Justin came back, he took over the orders and Robert, being Robert, forced Skylar into the staff 'chill-out' room they called it, so he could clean her jumper up from the spilled smoothie.

"I'll give you back the double amount of the original price, I promise, and if that jumper won't be able to wash, I'll but you a new one, I'm so sorry about all this."

Skylar's faint, quiet voice answered "It's fine, really."

But Robert wouldn't listen, he wanted to be the perfect gentleman so he took a few baby wipes and started wiping Skylar's arms from the smoothie, then, before Skylar realized what he was aiming for and before she could stop him, he slid one of the sleeves just up to the elbow, and what he saw made him gasp in fear. He couldn't believe it. Perplexed he kept staring at Skylar's arms. He looked back at Skylar, and her face read panic, this was obviously meant to stay hidden. Skylar's stomach turned, she felt sick. Nobody was meant to know about this, especially him! She didn't know what to say, how to explain herself, it was the cat? No, there were too many and it was too obvious.

It was too late, Robert had seen Skylar's scars. She jerked back her arm, covered it up with her sleeve and with tears just touching her red cheeks, she screamed, "You're such an idiot! Leave me alone." and she was gone. Robert still in shock wanted to go up and run after her. But his muscles wouldn't move, so he stayed put. His temples were pounding and all his thoughts were a blur. "I can't believe it, how is this possible, I would have never considered this, how could poor beautiful Skylar do this to herself." Before he knew it, Robert checked the clock and it was 6:30. His shift was over so, oblivious to his surroundings, he picked up his stuff, and left the cafè with his head held down.

As Robert walked down to his house, his feet felt heavy, and his bag did too but not because if the physics book or math book but, as if an invisible weight was pushing him down and he simply wanted to lie on the sidewalk. But he kept walking, he didn't stop, he wouldn't stop. When he reached his house he didn't want to go inside. He couldn't stand it all anymore. His parents were surely fighting again and he didnt want to listen to it all anymore, he just didnt. Robert feels like everything he does is never good enough and that everything he does is wrong. It feels like all the terrible bad things that happen are his fault but Robert felt it differently today. He felt that Skylar cutting was his fault, he had this strange feeling that It was all his fault, as if he must have done something horrible to her but he simply didnt know what. His parents fighting was his fault. His bad grades were his fault. Everything was his fault, and strangly enough, this was too. Maybe that's why she was acting so strange since the first day he met her, she hasn't liked him but he has not a single clue why.

Finally, Robert walked inside. He ignored his parents quarreling and ran up to his room. He wanted to be left alone now, he didn't want to speak with anybody and he definitely did not want to listen to his parents arguing about nonsense. For an hour or so he concentrated on his homework and when it was done he tried his best simply not to think. Linkin Park was blasting from his speakers so it could shut off his thoughts, his mind and he just focused on the lyrics and the screaming in the song. After a few minutes his mum stormed up and burst into his room.

"BOBBY. I said it was dinner. Turn that music off, it's giving me a headache!" As usuall, she was in a bad mood but she was very aggravated today.

Robert just rolled his eyes and left for downsairs. The dinner table was made but it had only two plates prepared, only then did Robert realise the tears on his mum's cheeks. 

"Mum?! What's wrong? What happened? Where is dad?" He began to question frantically and worriedly. His mum dropped her head and let out a sob, "I don't know. He left us Bobby, he left us!".


Okay I'm not actually that pleased with this chapter but i hope you liked it. More soon! Please VOTE and COMMENT if you like it and if you have any feedback :) <3 xxx

Trust (A Robert Downey Jr Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz