Stay With Me

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Your lips

Drifting over skin;

Your fingers

A light and hopeless wind.

Your voice

Pulling peace like a lullaby;

As sadness grows

Deeper in your eyes.

I've come to love

This reoccurring dream;

In the night hours

Where you won't let me be.

Then the medicine kicks in

And you slowly leave me;

Dust swirling and clawing at you

Until I admit defeat.

Your lips pull at mine

Just to slowly fade;

Your hands grip in my mind

Only to slip away.

Your mouth covers mine

In the saddest of ways;

While your fingers attempt

To keep my tears at bay.

They're just secret words on the sheets

And darling promises I can't keep

The reality is that this world of ours is decaying...

An, "I love you" is whispered;

But neither of us can hear

What the other is saying.

For you're just a figment

Of a dream I'd long ago made...

And no matter how much I want it...

A. Dream. Can't. Stay.

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