Kill Me

608 23 2

Don't look at me for I am hideous

Truly I give new meaning to the word insidious;

My pores seeping sadness

Needles fill my body with fatness.

Heart covered with bruises

Arms tattered from fights

Hands fisted with pain in sight.

Wrist cut from chains

Blood stains re-stained

Forever burning these images into my brain

Dreams bringing forward false hope of a new start

Just to wake up from them with a broken heart

Lungs constricting, making it hard to breathe

I try to scream

Tears fall helplessly from my eyes

They don't phase you at all.

You simply turn and do what you've come here to do

Exactly what the voices tell you

You need to.

Collect MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang