To Turn Back The Clock (And Intro from me!)

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Hi! So, as you probably already know (That is if you read the description, which I assume you did. Why else would you be here?) this is a series of short stories featuring some of my OCs, namely Oliver - also known as Pyre in some more intense situations. Throughout these stories you may be confused, scared, happy, sad, or maybe you'll be doubting your sanity. Who knows?

Anyway, since you're here I figured I'd give you a little sample of what's to come with this short little snippet. It doesn't make much sense, and it's a bit odd but it's a start :)


Oliver shook his head, messy hair black coming loose and blocking his teary hazel-green eyes. He shook bloodied body that lay before him rapidly. He turned the girl over, careful of the rain that was pouring like buckets from the grey sky. .Letting out a choked sob at the Visceral scene, he dug through his pockets. The young man gripped the phone between his fingers, dialing those three numbers as quickly as he could. Answering the phone, he looked back at the lifeless body of his best friend.

He would do anything to turn back the clock five minutes. He'd do anything to get her back...


I hope you enjoyed. By the way, this picture isn't mine. It's screen-shotted from the video up there ^^^^

 It's screen-shotted from the video up there ^^^^

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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