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         Yep, I didn't have time to take a shower, I did rinse the mud and MUDFISH STENCH from my hair case SOMEBODY (cough cough Tyler) was trying to get me with a MUDFISH. Why Tyler why. Is that revenge for the plastic snake prank.
        Anyways we had an obstacle course and an item of choice to help us through it. Tyler and the boys got sticks or flippers, J (Jenna) and the other gals got rope but I got duct tape. You see to make any sharp turns I always have a part of it out I just stick it to the pole and glide. Works like a charm. There was SO much mud though. We had to get the old golf cart we found oh let's say three years ago, and fixed, yeah there was a golf cart in the lake. We used it to pull Kai out of the mud it was so funny. He lost one of his flipper though. XD. Reese want there, he was diving through most of it. I joined him after a bit and we found some really cool stuff. An old dresser, tons of jewelry, and a baby doll. It was demonic, I swear that thing was a devil spawn of hell, terrifying. Reese picked a necklace and cleaned it for Jenna. I SHIP THEM SOOOO MUCH THEY ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!!!! It was soooo sweet.
         I can't believe Fluttershy (Mia. I got permission to use their names.) remembered the club anniversary and the firefly tradition. We catch as many as we can, or if you are Tyler you chase us with MUDFISH instead, and keep them in a jar. Once we have a bunch we go the the center of the lake and let them go. It's so calm...out on the water, with people who will never try to steal me away, people I can trust. If I had to share a room with a guy, it would be one of those four.
         The quiet didn't last long, and we've been going ever since. After the fireflies where gone Jenna stood up with Lauren and they yelled something I haven't heard in years.
        "HOLY MOTHER OF COWBELLS!!!" That's a cry to initiate someone into  a really exclusive club we have, called well I can't say. Anyways we all started chanting Mia and I looked at Lily, who got to do the honors.
     She said our lines of initiation and pushed Mia in, she was a giggling mess as we pulled her from the water. I'm still out on the tiny boat, now with Kai's phone cause it's waterproof. And I'm off to watch the stars. We are staying here for a bit. God I love this, takes away the pain.

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