The Beginning

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Hey everyone, it's Grace here. Just wanted to thank everyone who is reading my story, or who will one day read this story. Your support means so much to me!

This story is dedicated to @MADSHERLOCK.

Thank you for helping me unlock my full potential.


P.S. Before you start to read the story, please remember that I am human and I can and will make mistakes. So sorry if you do find any punctuational issues, or misspelled words.



Third Person POV:

"We have another patient with the same symptoms Dr. Walker."

A young woman with caramel brown hair looked over her shoulder at the younger nurse, who anxiously rocked from foot-to-foot in the doorway. "How many does that make, Hazel?"

Hazel, the newest nurse on staff, looked distraught as she answered. "Within the last hour and a half it's the eighteenth. Within the last week though she's the fortieth."

Dr. Walker rubbed her temples at the new information. She was getting a serious headache with all of the patients flooding into the hospital, she wouldn't have had a problem with it if it weren't for the fact that no one knew what this ailment was. "Is the patient female, Hazel?"

"Yes, Dr. Walker."

"Are all the patients female?"

"All except for ten."

Walking over to the nearest lab station, Dr. Walker leaned over and looked down into the microscope again. The blood samples of an earlier patient--who sadly had passed away--was under scrutiny. It seemed to Dr. Walker that the white blood cell count was at it's normal count, the only issue was that it's activity was frozen. Literally frozen. All activity in the blood slowed until it moved no more. It was rather strange, and it didn't have any cause. There were no harmful pathogens circulating in the sample.

Pulling her vision away from the sample, Dr. Walker turned her gaze back to Hazel. "Thank you for keeping me updated, Hazel."

Hazel nodded and tucked a stray piece of blonde hair behind her ear. "Dr. Walker?" Asked Hazel, as she bit her lip self-consciously. "What do you think this is?"

Dr. Walker shook her head, "I honestly don't know. It's not like anything I've ever seen before."

Nodding to herself, Hazel backed into the hallway. She was about to turn and leave when Dr. Walker called her back.


"Yes Dr. Walker?"

"Could you check in on Kira? She said she was feeling weird earlier, I just want to make sure she's alright."

Hazel smiled tightly and nodded compliantly.

As Hazel disappeared down the hallway, Dr. Walker couldn't help but feel anxious. With the virus spreading across the country, Dr. Walker was memorizing the feeling of being scared. Scared for herself, scared of the people who entered the hospital in such awful states, and scared for her daughter.

Kira was the only family she had left, and she wasn't about to lose her.

Walking back over to the telephone hanging on the wall, Dr. Walker dialed the front desk to page Dr. Heines; a fellow colleague and friend.

Maybe a fellow researcher found something she had missed?

No more than eight minutes later walked in another doctor. He was short man with a heavy build. He wasn't necessarily fat, just chubbier than most people. "You called for me, Carol?"

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