Chapter 1 - Family Fueds

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Camille Hamilton

"Cam what's the answer to number twenty- two?" My best friend, Danish asked me.

"C." I answered.

"NO TALKING!" The teacher yelled rudely.

My eyes rolled before glancing down at my test. Danish kept side eyeing my paper trying to figure out the answers. I laughed to myself knowing she'd still be in the fifth grade if it wasn't for me.

She looked at me blankly and I shrugged. The teacher walked over and snatched both of our test.

"Get out!" She demanded pointing towards the door.

"You're making more noise than we are." Danish mumbled gathering her things as I did the same.

"What was that?" She asked looking at me. I ignored her and walked out behind Danish.

Making our way to the office, we stopped when we saw the principal and the counselor walking down the hall with either a new student or teacher. I turned and walked the other way with Danish on my heels.

"Why would he come at the end of the year? Seniors get out in two more weeks." I stated looking back at the tall brown skinned guy.

"I don't know, maybe he's a junior, but he cute with his nappy hair." Danish chuckled and I shook my head and went into the bathroom calling my father.

The phone rung about ten times before it went to voicemail. I sighed and rolled my eyes before sitting on the sink and scrolling down my Twitter timeline.

"Ugh, I am not adding him back." I stated growing disgusted as the Snapchat notification popped up on the top of my screen.

"Who?" Danish asked snatching my phone away "Girl, that's Cameron Hamilton!"

"So." I shrugged rolling my eyes.

"What you mean 'so'? He is one of the BIGGEST drug dealers in California. He's apart of the Hamilton organization. You have to be related to them." She spoke.

I know who he is... He's my older brother. My eyes rolled before I snatched my phone back from her.

"I am not related to those people! There's plenty of Hamilton's that is not related." I lied dropping the conversation.

The bell rung letting us know that it was time to go to 4th period my last period of the day, English 4.

Girls started to crowd the bathroom checking their makeup talking on their phones and handling their business. I squeezed my way out of the bathroom and made my way to class.

Danish and I have forth period together as well but the teacher doesn't care what anyone does. That's how schools usually are in Cali. They either don't care or they're very strict.

The class was still empty when I walked in and sat in my seat. Danish sat next to me and pulled her phone out. I put my head down onto my desk ready for the day to be over with. Someone brushed past my arm causing me to pick my head up and see the new guy sit next to me.

He looked at me and turned forward. I pushed my glasses up on my face and put my head back down "Hey new boy." I heard Danish say flirtatiously.

"I'm not a boy I'm a man." He said lifting his chest up a bit. I rolled my eyes at his cockiness keeping my head down.

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