Chapter 3 - Trouble Makers

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Quincy Winston

"I need you to stay here because I have some business to handle. Don't answer my damn door to anyone! And do not go around searching for anything." I said sternly.

"Okay, damn." Camille replied sitting on the black leather couch with her legs crossed and rolling her eyes.

I turned to say something, but went against it. Before I could open the door, my lock was being picked at causing me to draw my gun and signal for Camille to get behind the couch.

The door slowly opened revealing Zeta. She jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist before kissing me. "!¡Bebé! Te he extrañado mucho! (Baby, I've missed you so much)"

I placed her back onto the ground and turned. Camille peeked from behind the couch and stood to her feet. Zeta and I both watched Camille sit then shrug at us turning her attention back towards the television. "Quien es esta puta Quincy? (Who is this bitch Quincy?)"

My tongue passed over my bottom lip as I watched Zeta fold her arms. I admired her beautiful face and her long black hair. She snapped her fingers in my face, as I stared with a blank expression and simply walked pass her.

"Seriamente? I am your wife Quincy Winston! (Seriously) " She shouted pointing her finger in my face.

"You're not my wife, you're my fiancé. You don't deserve an explanation if I don't have your trust."

"I can't believe you're sleeping with some whore!" She stomped her foot and folded her arms like a child. Camille tried to hold back the laughter that was about to escape her mouth.

I gave her a look to stop. "Zeta, I love you. We are not sleeping together. She's here for business purposes only." I assured. She looked at her feet then back up at me.

Her eyes stared into mine as if she was trying to see if I was lying before engulfing me with a huge hug. "I am sorry." I nodded my head as she released the hug.

I kissed her forehead before we exited the house. "I have some business to take care of. I'll be at your house at around six o'clock."

She got into her car and pulled out of the driveway leaving my house. I've never trusted any female, reason being why she doesn't live with me. What's the point of her living with me just because we are engaged when we can just have our own space.

Camille has nowhere else to go. I would've most likely forgot her here if I put her in a hotel. If she fucks up and loses my trust, I will cut her up, and send her head to her parents house.

Killing people, selling dope, and being the boss are the only things I'm good at, besides sex. Zeta wants a child, but I don't want any children. Maybe in the near future, but I'm a very busy man.

I've talked her into thinking I can't have children, but in all honesty, I don't want any right now.

I put my car in park and turned the engine off. Fallon, a woman I had fucked with not to long before I left for the states, greeted me as I exited my car. "How are you?" She asked rubbing a hand down my shoulder.

Ignoring her, I walked off and slapped hands with a few guards making my way up the stairs of the organization's main trap building. Everyone was sitting around on their phones.

I raised an eyebrow and walked closer without anyone noticing me. Pulling my gun from my pants, I clicked the safety off and shot one of the workers in the back of his head and watched his body slouch over.

"That's how you motherfucker's get caught slipping!" I protested. Everyone's eyes was still focused on the worker I had just killed. "My fucking face is up here!"

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