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Louis pushed through the snow on campus and climbed into the cab he'd called. he looked back through the window at his school and smiled, proud of his accomplishments in his first semester of college. he closed his eyes and leaned back on the seat with a smile. he was so excited to go home for the holidays. he'd only been home twice since school started, and he admittedly missed his little town. Manchester was fun, and he'd made a lot of great friends, but only one person was on his mind as he climbed aboard his train home. Niall checked his texts and he still hasn't heard anything from Louis this morning. last night he had told him his travel schedule, so he assumed he was en route to Doncaster, but Niall hated not talking to him every minute of the day. he decided to sleep the rest of the plane ride in hopes he would get there faster. he felt a tap on his shoulder and opened his eyes to see an attendant telling him they would be ascending and to buckle his seatbelt. he sat up quickly and smiled to himself, gripping the armrest in anticipation. it had been four months since he'd seen Louis and he couldn't wait another minute. he hoped Louis would be at home waiting for him. Niall decided to tell his parents a week after school started about him and Louis, to which they replied they didn't want to see it, but they couldn't control him anymore. so he said he'd stay at Louis house when he came home for visits. Niall finally got to Louis house around 11:30. the house was dark but there was a note on the counter, "help yourself to anything, can't wait to see you xo! -Jay & Dan" Niall smiled and crept to Louis room slowly opening the door. he was asleep, only the sound of his fish tank bubbling in the corner. Niall sighed and looked at Louis' steady breathing. the glow from his accent lights was dancing on his face, and Niall noticed a pretty fair beard growing in. his hair was pretty long, and Niall thought he couldn't wait to twirl it around his fingers. he took off his shirt and pants and climbed into bed with Louis, kissing him once and holding him close. Louis didn't even stir, and Niall fell asleep minutes after, exhausted from such a long day of travel. louis woke up and felt Niall's arms holding him tight. he smiled and held Niall's hands in his own and went back to sleep. it wasn't until phoebe and daisy were banging on Louis door that Louis pulled out from Niall's grasp to settle them down. "girls, Niall and I are very tired from all the travelling yesterday okay, let's let him sleep yeah?" the girls quieted down but ran off with pouting faces because they were ready to play at 9am. Louis closed the door and locked it again, and this time Louis got to stare at Niall and take him in. he noticed he was taller by how he didn't fit in Louis small bed as nicely as he did before. his hair was more yellow than platinum blonde and he noticed the new glasses he'd bought sitting on the beside table. he couldn't wait until he woke up so he could get a proper look at him; it seemed like it had been more than four months since they'd been apart. Niall finally woke up just after five with a hankering for tea and a bad headache from sleeping too long. he stepped out into the living room and got attacked by little Tomlinson's running up for hugs. he kissed each of their heads and picked them up one at a time for massive hugs. he shook dan's hand and kissed Jay on the cheek before sneaking to the kitchen where Louis was making tea. "just what I needed" he said taking it out of Louis hand and gulping a bit down. Louis smiled with all the joy in the world and Niall grabbed him and picked him up hugging him as tight as he possibly could. "I love you" he said kissing him repeatedly. "put me down" Louis laughed, "I love you too." he said and him and Niall walked into the living room to enjoy some quiet time with his family before dinner.

when we were eighteen (nouis) || Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang