The Weight

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We watch movies until we can't keep our eyes open and then we can't get to sleep so we play 'Truth or Dare'.

"Truth or dare ... um ... Grayson?" Jordan says.

"Dare!" He says with a devilish grin on his face.

"I dare you ... eat a whole teaspoon of vegemite!" She says grinning herself.

"Do I have to." He says with puppy eyes.

"Yes!" We all say. And we burst into laughter.

"Ok then ."

He grabbes the tub of vegemite and a teaspoon shoves it into his mouth.

"Yuck!" Everyone says. Cameron had his phone out filming it.

"Ok Grayson your turn to ask someone." Cameron says.

"Olivia Truth or dare."


"What is you most recent secret."

"Umm ... well this guy nearly kissed me but ... ummm ... nothing happened I swear."

"Ok then." Jack says and storms out the room.

"Cameron truth or dare."


"Ok then ... ummm ... Cameron I dare you to make a youtube video right now with Nash and play twitter charades."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When the boys were setting up (coz they know what to do) there was  a knock at the door and it was our friend Taylah and her boyfriend Hayes Nash's brother. 

"Jordan said she had news coz we couldn't come to the party she said to meet you guys here."

"Yeah sure Hayes the guys are over there setting up for a youtube video and Tay the girls are over there talking. I just gotta do something I'll be over in a second."

I rush over to where I saw Jack go and I hear him crying and sniffling. I knock on the door and say:

"Hey Jack can I come in." In a soft calming voice.

"Yeah sure." He says. I open the door and walk in. He's in one of the spare rooms and he's sat down on the bed with his head in his hands. "So tell me what exactly happened." His voice getting angrier.

"Well I got my injections and on my way back to my chair I fainted and he carried me to the school hospital and stayed there until he knew I was ok. He was really nice and he got me a glass of water and a muffin." I sigh. 

"And then what happened." He still sounded angry but he was trying to be understanding.

"He leaned in and went to kiss me but he backed out and its not like I wanted him to kiss me and I felt drugged from the needle and I didn't know what was going on and then when he left I went back to sleep and my body didn't process anything of it until I saw you guys at the park and I was gonna tell you but I just didn't know when was the right time to." I didn't realise how fast I was speaking until I stopped.

"Can you answer me one question." I nodded.

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do your my boy-" He cut me off.

His words harsher now. "No I mean do you really, I know I'm your boyfriend but do you actually love-" I cut him off and press my lips to his they were salty from the tears. 

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Me too." I reply and our lips meet again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After we finished talking things out we walked out hand-in-hand everyone looked at us and went back to what they were doing. I gave him one last kiss before we parted then I walked over to the girls holding on to his hand for as long as I could and he went over to the boys. Ok I have to be honest as soon as I got over I told them what happened (well I left out the kissing part) and they were happy for us they told me that they updated Tay on the amazing news and before we could start another convo Cameron shouts:

"It's ready" And we all sit down on the couch opposite them and we put some great lighting on it to make it look like it was daytime.

Life is good. 


Until I get a phone call.

"Hello this is 911 could you please come to the hospital right away your mum and dad have been in a car accident..."



Another cliffhanger whats gonna happen will they live or die?

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I do regular updates so stay tuned.

xxx Olivia xxx

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