Canterlot & Forever Autumn

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The train ride to Canterlot was long as Twilight was pacing about worrying about the princesses and (surprise surprise) Celestia's son (WHAT!!!!!). They were about 10 minutes away until somepony broke the dead silence.
"Do y'all think they'll be stopped?" Said Applejack.
"I don't know. I hope there is a way to." Twilight replied.

The train stopped outside of the station and all of the ponies that survived the attack on Ponyville excited the train and was helped by the Royal guards that didn't die at Manehatten(in fact Nopony knows what happened there so they're gonna find out. Soon).

Twilight and her friends rushed towards the castle and went through the doors. There, standing on the throne things were Princess Celestia & Luna. The two sisters noticed the mane six walk towards them and greeted them.
"What happened?"
"This thing. This cylinder came and inside was this ugly alien like creature and then a funnel came and started torching everything it was everypony." Twilight said fast.
"What are these things?" Rarity asked.
"They are Martians." Dr Comet said walking towards the ponies along with a Royal guard who looked like he had witnessed death(which he did).
"They came from a planet far away from our own. What they are here for, I do not know. But something has happened. Tell them." Dr Comet said and the Royal guard walked forward.
"This giant Tripod rose up from the ground and was vaporizing everypony. It destroyed Manehatten in a few hours. Just one. This is what it looks like." The guard hoofed them(?) a piece of paper which had a drawing of the tripod(previous picture).
"It looks scary." Fluttershy said.
"What's worse is that more are coming."
"WHAT!!" Everypony said apart from the princesses and Dr Comet.
"Can we escape them?" Pinkie pie asked.
"Yes. There's a boat being built. It's called The Thunder Child. It will allow us to escape the Martians. Also another boat is being made too in case there isn't enough room.
"We must leave immediately." Celestia said.

Everypony began to leave but Twilight stopped.
"Where's Solar?"(Don't ask why I named him that. Just don't). Twilight said. Celestia froze.
"He left for Las Pegasus this morning." Celestia said with guilt in her voice.
"Oh. Okay."(and here it comes. THE SONG!!!!!)

Twilight: The summer sun is fading as the year grows old,
And darker days are drawing near,
The winter winds will be much colder,
Now you're not here.

I watch the birds fly south across the autumn sky
And one by one they disappear
I wish that I was flying with them,
Now you're not here

Like the sun through the trees you came to love me
Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away

Through autumn's golden gown we used to kick our way
You always loved this time of year
Those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now
'Cause you're not here
'Cause you're not here
'Cause you're not here

Like the sun through the trees you came to love me
Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away

A gentle rain falls softly on my weary eyes
As if to hide a lonely tear
My life will be forever autumn
'Cause you're not here
'Cause you're not here
'Cause you're not here
'Cause you're not here
'Cause you're not here
'Cause you're not here

Fire suddenly leaped from house to house. The population panicked and ran, and The group of friends were swept with them. They managed to get out of the crowed and heard the howl of death.


They saw tripods wading up the Thames, cutting through bridges as though they were paper. Ponyville bridge, Canterlot Bridge. One appeared above Canterlot's Observatory.


Are you glad that's over?
Next Chapter:
The Thunder Child

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