Sad Truth about Life

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People don't realize that everyone has a battle going on and that what they say has consequences. In the blink of an eye someone's life can be gone and you have the ability to stop it. I Believe... Words are the sharpest knife someone can use to lower you down and the fastest bullet to reach your heart.

I believe words are weapons because they have been used for many negative things that impact people's lives tremendously. I was bullied for being different, When i was in middle school it was a very hard time and i didn't really know how to handle the problem i was that kid in the back who didn't talk much and when i did i would make sure my friends were happy and that if they had a problem i would help them because i didn't want them to feel the way i felt my whole life. People shouldn't feel like they are worthless and they shouldn't be here it's cruel and disgusting. Nobody should feel like the whole world is against them and that they are judged by everything they do.

A logical appeal is when people find out someone is gay or something they tend to look at the person different after they find something like that out and it can really awkward or embarrassing for the people involved i would know because when people found out i was bisexual i got bullied a lot and i felt the whole world was against me. i felt alone and really depressed. If we get bullied we should get help and try to get help for ourselves.

a Emotional appeal is when i got to high school my freshmen year started out great i met new people and i got a new start in a new school and thought things were going to change. boy was i wrong i was dating this girl and somehow she found out about my secret and the next day the whole school knew they looked at me weird since i was different and the bullying began again. when people find something out about you it gives you a little scare because nobody knows how people are going to act until it's too late.

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