Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I sat there reading, bored out of my mind. Why you may ask? There is nothing to do in this stupid house. Or the things I want to do, my father won't allow. Even though I haven't been a child in a very long time and look to be in my late teens to early twenties. My father is VERY protective of me. Always like to remind me that I'm one of a kind, So I need to be kept close. Hardly. Not soon after I laid back and put my feet up on the small table in front of me, my aunt comes into the room.

"Get up." She said knocking my feet off the table, "Your father wants you."

"And why doesn't that surprise me." I said as I continued to read

"Stop acting like an brat and get up." She said getting annoyed

"Me...a brat. Now that's just rude Auntie." I smirked finally looking up over my book.

Done with my shenanigans my aunt grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my comfy chair, and pushed me towards the door.

"Hurry up Cordelia, you know your father has no patience." Said my aunt walking out the door

"And we mustn't upset father." I said sarcastically

She hit the back of my head, as we continued to walk down long hallway in our unnecessarily humongous home. We arrived in my father's sitting room, seeing him sitting in one of the chairs, with unfortunate company. Jack Barts.

"Ah! There you are Sunshine." He smirked

'Sunshine?' I thought to myself as I walked closer to the men, "Father you wished to see me."

"Yes where were you, might I ask?" He said

"In the library. Reading a very interesting book, before Aunt Vadoma interrupted." I told him

"That's why you are so bright....and smart." Adam said

"And you are trying to butter me up. What is it that you want, Father?" I asked crossing my arms

"Clever girl. There has been rumors and apparent sightings of our unfamous Henry Sturges." He told me

"And this deals with me how?" I asked

"I'm getting to it Cordelia!" He said sharply, "The other rumors say that our dear Henry has taking on another protege and he is raking up kill numbers of our kind."

"And what do you want me to do? Shake his hand." I said smug

Adam slammed his hand on the table before walking up to me, "You want out this house. To have some freedom? Well this is your chance my dear Delia."

I let out a breath and looked at my father. Seeing that whoever Henry trained is making Adam on edge and I loved it. I wanted to give this person a pat on the back and tell him/her to keep up the good job. Hell maybe even join. I know there isn't going to be any hesitation in my answer.

"When do I leave?" I asked him

"Tomorrow. I already set up a place for you can stay, where most death has been taking place. The family your staying with understand you are there to learn and just want a change of scenery. Understand and remember that you are only going to get information, if not....well the consequence will be severe." He explained

Nodding in understanding, "Whose family will I being staying with?"

"The Todd's. They have a daughter that looks to be about your physical age. Mary, I believe." He told me

"So...where am I going?" I asked

"Springfield, Virginia. Get some rest dear have a big day tomorrow." He said pour a glass of human blood and handing it to me, before walking out of the room with his sister.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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