Chap. 1

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The sounds of screams and cries could be heard coming from a small house, where a young woman was about to give birth. This is where my life comes into play. The day that I was born and the death of my mother.

"Come on Miss, just one more push." Said the Midwife

"I can't. I can't." My mother cried

"Yes you can. One more push and your little one will be here." The Midwife said

With every ounce of strength she had left, she gave one last painful push, resulting in my birth at last.

"Oh! What an adorable babe. It's a girl, Miss." The Midwife said showing me to my mother

I could remember her smiling so brightly, proud of herself of making this creation. Reaching her arms out and whispher a name that I didn't get to hear, that I later on find out it was my own.

"Let me hold her." My Mother said

The Midwife slowly and carefully walked me over to her. But before her fingers were able to touch me, the door busted open. Revealing a man, who looked to only have one facial expression. Then a cunning blonde haired woman, with a sinnister look on her face, like something was about to happen. How very true that was going to be. The Midwife pulled me closer to her chest as the man moved towards us.

"Is it done?" He asked not looking at the woman who just gave birth

"Adam." My mother said smiling making him look at her, "It's a girl."

"Hm." He said before turning to the Midwife and I, "Give her to me."

This 'Adam' character took me from the womans arms and began walking towards the door and the blonde woman.

"No! Adam....Wait!" My mother pleaded trying to get out of the bed she was laying on

"What?" He asked not even looking at her

"Please. Just...just let me hold her once, please!" She cried reaching for me

"There is no reason for the child to become attached. You served your purpose." Adam said before nodding his head to the blonde

The blonde woman had a creepy smile come upon her face, as she move to the side of the doorway, showing three men with the same creepy smile. Slowly the men walked past us towards my mother, as Adam held me in the air above his head examining me. Adam not knowing I was paying attention to what was happening behind him. The men surrounded my mother, when their faces became distored and lunged at her. Two on each one of her arms, and the other on her neck. Blood splattered everywhere, with the sound of my mothers screams echos in my mind. That was all I could hear before everything became silent and Adam began to speak.

"Well little one, if you don't know already know. I'm your father. And you are very special, my dear. The first and only one of your kind." Adam said with a crooked smile


"Hm." He said before turning around to the blonde

The scene to what we turned to, was mental scarred into my head. There layed my mother on the bed, surround by her own blood from giving birth and from those monsters. With a blank stare, my mother dead eyes layed upon me. Throat and wirst, torn as well ripped apart. While those monsterous men just snickered and licked the blood off their face and hands. The blonde woman, who still don't know the name of, held the Midwife in a chokehold.

"Brother, what are we going to name the little one?" She asked smelling the Midwife neck

"I don't quite know, Vadoma." Adam said before looking at woman that was being held by his sister, "Before you kill her. I have a question for her."

Vadoma scoffed and loosen her hold around the Midwife neck. Walking closer to them, Adam suprisingly held me caringly closer to him and looked the woman in the eye.

"Did the mother of my child already name her?" He asked

The woman was well shakened and didnt answer but looked at me, with tears in her eyes. Vadoma pulled the woman hair back, making her scream a little, as well with her neck in line with her mouth.

"Answer the question to my brother asked you and I'll let you go. I promise." She whispered in her ear.

Whimmpering the Midwife began to answer Adam question, stuttering, "Y-yes...yes she name the babe."

"Well what is it?" They both asked

"Cordeila." She Muttered

"Thanks for that." Adam said as Vadoma snapped her neck

I looked at her, wide eyed with tears threatened to spill.

"What? Don't look at me like that little one, I did keep my promise. I did let her go. I never did say alive." She said taking me out of Ad-I mean my father's arms.

We left soon after burning the house, with my mothers and the midwifes body inside. to get rid of any evidents of us even being there. Years past and I grew up as any normal child, well minus the drinking blood part. In which for me being a hybrid. I need very little, though my father make sure I drink every few weeks. Plus to make them even more fusterated, I take from animals. On the side note, my life came before all these fake vampire movies, that we inspired. With my growth and intellect; does not come from a book, that us vampire sparkle! Anywho back to what I was saying. I soon began to care and even feel love towards my father and aunt. They are the only family I have left. But things began change when my father got word, that there was a man who was hunting our kind. A man that could keep up with our speed and agility. Henry Sturges. Making him spectacular and on my father watch list. That a story you will hear in a little while. No the next part of the story starts years later in Pigeon Creek, Indiana 1818 then Springfield 1837.

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