Day 1 of Tour

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7:00am Two weeks later

Harry's POV
      We all woke up at 5:00 am this morning just to get ready. The bus finally got here at 7:00 am and so we packed all out things into the compartments "Ok does anyone have to go to the bathroom?" "no" they all said at the same time.
"Ok then let's get on the road!" I have a really good feeling about this particular tour I don't know why but I do.

(Some time later)

Liam's POV
     I haven't seen my girlfriend Nicole in 2 weeks. Why you ask? Well it's because She's had to work at her fathers company for the past two weeks but luckily I'm gonna be meeting up with her this week at our first stop in San Fransisco "So Liam how's the whole not seeing your girlfriend going?" "Horribly I mean I really want to see her" I don't care how long it takes to get there I will see her "Ok boys were here" I climbed out of my bunk bed and went over to the door.

Harry's POV
      "We're here boys!" I hear the bus driver say and so I get up from where I'm sitting and I grab my phone and walk over to the door where Liam is "so you ready for the tour?" I ask because I done even think I'm ready for it I mean it's been a year since we last went on tour but I guess it will be fine cause I got my boys with me. I grabbed the door handle and pushed it open. "Liam have you seen Niall? He was just here" I walked over to see Niall sitting down at the bench eating a hot dog "oh hey mate" oh Niall "come on we have to check into the hotel" I started walking off to the hotel with the other boys. Let's get this first stop started if that makes any sense.

Without you here I'm brokenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon