EPISODE-2 Scene 7

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Did I do a very wrong thing? Should I have said all this in person to her?

That sounded too filmy and too cheesy, didn't it?

My God! That last line!

I felt like to escape out from the washroom and never show her my face again.

I opened the door lock and was about to go out. Again, I felt like to wash my face before I go out.

I washed my face thrice. My ears were red, my hands were all warm, and I could literally hear by heartbeat.

What if she said NO!

There were so many people in the café. I remembered those two guys sharing looks at her once or twice. I did not like that.

She acts really weird sometimes. What if she made a big deal out of it?

While I was all thinking about it, there was an aftershock-quite big aftershock which lasted for at least 17 seconds. Did I mention or not, Nepal had just undergone through a mega-earthquake of 7.6 Richter on April 25, 2015?

In that earthquake, at least 8898 people were killed, and thousands were injured.

I could hear her scream loud calling my name.

I felt nice for just a second to know that she cared enough to call my name instead of running away alone. But, the quake lasted for more than one or two seconds.

Thank God! I had already opened the door lock before.

I came outside and thought to pull her like a hero. To my surprise, no one was there. I rushed outside through the stairs which were still shaking.

Everyone was standing outside. I was not interested in any other people irrespective of guys and girls. My eyes searched her. I did not see her. I was surprised.

Did she run away because she read my message or she ran because of the earthquake? Both ways, I did not like it.

I felt embarrassed. My feeling of embarrassment did not last long. I felt sorry for myself. It was she who came, talked to me in a way to make me feel like she loved me and when I approached, she abandoned in this way. I felt terrible. I hastily made a secret oath that I shall never talk to her again.

However, that oath even did not last for a minute. I saw her coming out from the Wave Café through the circular stairs slowly. Her eyes shone profoundly-not because she was happy, but because she had held all her tears in her eye.

I felt sorry!

I waited for you! You left me there! She spoke slowly.

I looked for you. I didn't see you. So, I rushed outside, I defended.

I looked at her. The first drop of her tear just travelled all the way through edge of her eyelid, slid down and rolled out from her face. Following that single drop of tear, streamed tears rolled down her cheeks. She was standing in front of me, shivering and looking at my eyes-her eyes were sad!

Those eyes expected something from me! Something I didn't know. She expecting security from me; she looked at me as her protection, while I was looking for love.

She was still shivering!

Two young guys, who were staring at us even inside the cafe, gave us a side look. I didn't care!

I felt sad to see her shivering. I wanted to hug her, and maybe she wanted to do the same! However, I decided not to embrace her as I thought that might create a scene!

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