stop it

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// stop making me feel special
// stop making me feel like you care for every single fragment of my being
// stop making me feel like you can see the stars and constellations in my eyes when all there is a black void
// stop saying my name as though it's the most beautiful word you've ever heard
// stop murmuring sweet nothings into my ear and placing your fingertips on the small of my back
// stop acting as though your soul would cease to exist if I went away
// stop with the pretty lies
// stop playing pretend

my heart is not a game for you to toy and mess around with

// stop looking at me the way you do, with what anyone would believe was the look of someone who's hopelessly and unashamedly in love
// stop saying it
// stop saying you love me
// stop making me feel like my very bones would break and shatter if you let me fall and were not there to catch me
// stop it

just fucking stop

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