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"how i wish i could run away with you" -dob


To: Jos <3

From : Aleen

Jos, will you come tonight?

sent 03:23 pm

To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

Of course, i'll teach you guitar till you can play it well

sent 03:24 pm

To: Jos <3

From: Aleen

What if you have to do something important? text me if you couldn't come;)

sent 03:27 pm

To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

You are my priority ofc i could come x

sent 03:28 pm

To: Jos <3

From: Aleen

Promise me, we will play guitar together when we finished the lesson ;)

sent 03:29 pm

To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

How about you play the guitar and i'll sing your favorite song? that's what every couples do

sent 03:45 pm

To: Jos <3

From: Aleen

We are not even a couple but im loving that idea!

sent 03:45 pm

To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

We will be a couple someday, like the coolest couple in the world because im so cool and you are so pretty

sent 03:47 pm

To: Jos <3

From: Aleen

Thank you for always there for me and always bring me back up when someone else gets me down, Jos

sent 03:50 pm

To: Aleen <3

From: Josiah

Make you happy and keep you there is one of my main goal, God told me i have to take care of the most beautiful girl in my life :) see ya tonight, hun x

sent 03:52 pm

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