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"There are two reasons why people don't talk about things; either it doesn't mean anything to them, or it means everything"


To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

Mom--i mean your mom just called me she said you don't eat anything today and you don't come out from your room and you don't go to school today, what the fuck happened, Aleen?

sent 11:23 pm

To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

Mom told me it's about your ex, damn ale it's 2016 it's time for let him go stop being a dumb girl!!

sent 11:24 pm

To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

Ok. I'm so sorry i didn't mean to say that im tired to see you cry over the boy, he doesn't worth your time

sent 11:30 pm

To: Jos<3

From: Aleen

Shut up. Mom knows nothing about me. You know nothing about me, if you do you won't telling me like that.

sent 11:35 pm

To: Jos <3

From: Aleen

I just found out interesting fact. All boys are the same. Haha

sent 11:35 pm

To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

Look at me, not once have i ever left you alone, when you got bullied who was there for you? when you got overdosed because of diet pills who was there for you? when you almost died because you cut your wrist who was there for you? i was running away from school for you! when you almost take the razor who was coming at your home and save you? me.

sent 11:41 pm

To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

Now tell me, do you still think all boys are the same?

sent 11:42 pm

To: Aleen xx

From: Josiah

You don't need to answer me, you just need to get out from your room now and go down because im freezing at backyard now :)

sent 11:45 pm

a.n: what do you think of this story this far? be honest i wont bite you ;p

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