A Bite of Death

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"Jake what's wrong why are you so cold?" "Nessie, I-I-I think I'm sick." "Jake what's wrong? Talk to my baby." "Well last night was wonderful and I felt great but I had a weird dream about being a vampire/werewolf. I just can't believe this." "Believe what Jacob?" "I am part vampire Nessie. You bite me during sex." My hurt stops, no matter how much Jake loves me I know how much he hates vampires. How could this even be possible? What have I done? How could I be so careless? I look at Jake and I see the fear in his eyes. I can also see anger and confusion. "Jake we need to go home and see what grandpa knows about this." Jake is till sitting there as if he is in shock I walk into the kitchen and then I remember Leah was on the phone I pick it up and say hello. "Took you long enough where is Jack?" "Jake is going to have to call you back." " I need to talk to him now, I felt funny last night and I want to make sure he is alright." "He doesn't need you to make sure he is alright I'm his wife not you." I yell and hang up the phone. I start to pack our thing at vampire speed as Jake stands in the middle of the floor still in shock.

"Jake we have to go NOW." I grab his hand and head out of the hotel room. I grab a cab and tell him to get us to the airport as fast as they can. We make it to the airport and board our plane. Jake still has not said a word. "Jacob, baby please talk to me." "Nessie I don't know what to say." "Jake we can make it through this." He lowers his eyes and looks away. He doesn't say another word the whole flight. When we finally land I decide to run home I place Jake on my back and carry him to the main house, but before we can make Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper are waiting in the meadow. "Nessie what's wrong with Jake? I had a vision that you decided to come but I thought you were just home sick and wanted to surprise us." "I wish Aunt Alice. I want to tell everyone together." We run to the main house where my family awaits. "Nessie, why are you carry Jake over the threshold I thought that was the mans job?" Uncle Emmett jokes. But when I don't laugh he races to our sides. Everyone stares at us and I can no longer hold it in "I bite Jake."

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