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I started at him in amazement, his hand still holding my chin up. He had a small sweet smile on his face like a child who just got told a complement.

"What do you mean? You were born somewhere else?"

"That is something I can not answer. Not yet anyway. But you will find out. I promise. "

Not wanting to seem inquisitive I just nodded and continued with the scratch on his chest. My mind was turning with everything that had happened, slowly trying to process everything while still being careful not to touch his bruises and still take care of the big gash on his chest which seemed to have come from a blade. Cleaning it with an antiseptic liquid I gently placed a big plaster over the wound and picked a big bandage from the first aid kit. Slowly I began wrapping it over his upper body . I had to wrap it over his right shoulder and under his arm to keep the wound covered from the cold. While setting the bandage I could feel his gaze on me, suddenly making me feel very self conscious.

"If you keep staring at me like that I fear I might make a mistake somewhere." He laughed softly,his chest rising and falling with his laughter.

"And we wouldn't want that." He laughed , still staring at me. I tried to ignore him but he made it impossible, especially when I could practically feel him smiling. I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him. He raised his eyebrows at me and I just raised mine back. He stopped smiling then but his eyes were still twinkling in amusement. None of us said anything so I stood staring at him and after a few seconds I realized that neither one of us were blinking. I quickly made the decision to not be the first one to blink and it seems he decided to do the same thing.

My eyes were burning from the strain but I refused to let them close. Ziad on the hand looked fine, his eyes sparkling with mischief while mine were sparkling with pain and very close to watering. I couldn't take it anymore and quickly squeezed my eyes shut. The tears falling swiftly from my eyelashes. " I give up!" I squealed, quickly wiping the tears away. Ziad raised his fists in the air and laughed proudly. "Yes! I win."

"You didn't win anything, I gave up." I smiled smugly. Ziad shook his head while taking my hands pulling me closer to him. He is so tall that even while sitting on the marble table I only came to his shoulders.

"Excuse me my love but you closed your eyes before you said you give up. Therefore I win." He said while wiping the tears from my cheeks with a tissue.

"No I didn't. " I closed my eyes so he could dry my wet lashes.

"Yes you did." I could hear his smug smile even with my eyes closed. Once he was done he through the tissue behind me and it landed in the bin with a light thud.

I turned to continue with his bandage but he still kept his arm around my waist. Ignoring him I continued wrapping the last of the bandage over and over the same spot. I was still upset about losing.

"Who even said we were playing a game? " I shrugged my shoulders. Ziad started laughing , throwing his head back with his laughter. "Don't be a sore loser love." He kissed me on my forehead before leaning back against the mirror.

"I'm just pointing out that little fact." I giggled. Ziad just shook his head and closed his eyes, a smile still on his lips.

Looking away I carefully pinned the bandage with a pin I had pulled from my hijab , securing it into place. Once I had finished I gently patted his arm and gave the bandage one last tug.

"There, I'm done."

"Thank you princess."

It was one word, an innocent word. Yet that one word brought back everything I had just forgotten like a tidal wave in my mind. I flinched at the word but I quickly tried to hide the effect it had on me from Ziad. I reacted just a moment too late, making him rethink what he said. When he realized what it was he squeezed his eyes shut, running his fingers through his hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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