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I didn't sleep so well. I'm not sure if it's because I was starving or if I was just feeling guilty. I was feeling really bad about losing my butterfly scarf pin after my parents lovingly gave it to me as a gift. I had it for 6 years , got it on my 12th birthday and have worn it whenever I go out ever since.  I even had a dream that my parents were so heart broken when they found out that I lost it I went back to the desert to find it . I sat in the mud, my clothes all messed and sand in my eyes and searched and searched but couldn't find it.

I woke up late in the afternoon, Mariam was back, cleaned up and asleep. No doubt that she ate unlike me. I love food and I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday. That is not a good feeling for someone who loves food so much. My stomach was making such a loud noise that I was scared Mariam would wake up. I quickly got up and got dressed so that I could go to the buffet table and get something to eat. It was open the whole day after all. I slipped on my abaya and hijab and almost sighed out loud when I realised that the pin I've had with me for years is now gone forever. After I got dressed I quietly slipped out of the room and walked down the hall passing Yaseens room. I really hope the guys have left. Ahmed and Hamzah were nice but I didn't like them talking to Yaseen all the time. Come to think about it, I haven't spoken to him since he went to go talk to them in the tent yesterday. Now I'm depressed.

I stood quietly outside his door waiting to hear anyone's voice. Quiet. Thats good, that means they've left already.

"Looking for me are you. "

My heart jumped and I walked backwards straight into Ziad who caught me by my waist before I could fall. "Now you falling for me already princess."

I quickly moved away thinking of a reply but he just smiled. Back to his seriousness now I see. Where's the joker from this morning.

"No, don't flatter yourself. I was just  going to get something to eat."

He smiled and I just looked away suddenly shy.

" Don't tell me I interrupted your breakfast this morning."

"Actually you did. I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday so if you don't mind I'm just going to go now." I didn't wait for a reply and quickly walked away. Why the heck is he still here. I walked down the stairs taking the long way down and was greeted by the warm and delicious smell of freshly baked bread and some food I haven't heard of before. That's what I love about this place,there is always something new to try. I walked into the buffet lounge and looked for an empty table but luckily it was empty except for a family of four identical looking little boys and a very tired looking mother and father. I was about to sit at a table in the corner when an arm pulled me to a different table in the opposite corner. I turned and looked at Ziad who looked like he was concentrating really hard on something. I groaned out loud as I let him lead me away, tired of trying to get away from him. He sat down on the one side of the table and put  me down on the other side. I looked at him and he just shrugged, back to his very serious and quiet  self.

"Well, do you have a reason for bugging me again." I waited for an answer and he looked around.

"I felt  bad that you didn't eat so I came to make sure you got something to eat. Now hurry up so I can go."

Well that was sweet."No thanks, I know how to eat by myself."

I got up and went to dish for me something to eat. My mouth started to water and my stomach grumbled as I realised how good everything smelled. I picked up a plate but Ziad came and took it from my hands. Than he walked to the table and dished piles and piles of different types of food. Oh Allah, I hope that foods for him. Wait of course it is, why would this stuck up goat do something nice for me. I picked up another plate and went to dish for my self when he came back and shoved his full plate in my face."Here, now eat quickly I have things to do." Was he serious. No way could I ever eat so much.

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