9: Persuasion

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It was a sheer stroke of luck that she had managed to mostly push aside the beacon’s insistent whispers and get a good night's sleep before arriving at the Citadel.  It was supposed to be a quick stop off to report back on the results of various endeavors.  No one had informed her she would need to be at the top of her game from the moment she stepped off the Normandy.

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich waited for her on the dock catwalk, claiming the right to inspect her ship.  He was spoiling for a fight, but she would not indulge him. 

She straightened her shoulders and put on her most convincing soldier face and proceeded to win him over with a smooth voice, irrefutable logic and a barrage of facts.  He wandered off pondering a new perspective on intergalactic relations.  It probably didn’t last much past the elevator ride, but that was long enough.

She then proceeded to step off the elevator from the docking bay into an ambush.

“Khalisah Al-Jilani, Westerlund News.  Commander Shepard, the people want to hear from the first human Spectre.”

She had seen this woman’s previous work – hit pieces consisting of little more than insinuations and slanderous accusations disguised as questions.  More than one celebrity had fallen into the trap on camera. 

Shepard let slip the smallest of grins.  This celebrity – how cool was that – would eat this woman for breakfast, with a smile and a twinkle in her eye. 

The lights of the camera turned on her, and she shone.  She projected the very picture of the best of the military, of the diplomatic corps, of the Spectres, all wrapped up in a perfect package – grace, authority, confidence, a natural likeability.  She seemed someone people could envision leading an attacking force as much as having over for a leisurely dinner in their home.

She concluded the interview with a thoughtful look towards the camera.  "Respect is a funny thing; people always believe they deserve it.  Respect is earned – and I firmly believe we can earn it." 

In a matter of minutes, she had earned the respect of a great number of people in a great number of places.


“It’s beautiful….”

Ashley removed the HMWA X Assault Rifle from the rack and lovingly ran her hand along the barrel.  Shepard idly wondered whether any of Ashley’s lovers had ever been so gently caressed.  Probably not.

“The body is made entirely of carbon fiber, so it’s twenty percent lighter than the lightest rifles – and it has fewer moving parts so it’s easier to maintain – it has this special mechanism that – “

“We’ll take it.”

Ashley looked up, eyes wide.  “Oh, no, Commander!  We couldn’t.  It costs a third of my yearly salary!”

Shepard grinned broadly.  “Spectres are very well funded.  You wouldn’t believe what I saw when I checked my account earlier.”

“We can have it?  Really?”

You can have it.”

Ashley squealed in delight – gasped in horror as she realized what she had done – clamped down her expression – and stood up ramrod straight.  “Thank you ma’am.”

Shepard chuckled and turned to pay the C-Sec officer.  The HMWSR X sniper rifle positioned next to the now empty rack slot caught her eye.

“That one too.”


Her comm buzzed as they strolled along the Presidium Lake, interrupting a perfectly lovely afternoon.

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