Warm Welcome

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Authors note:The fan art above is not my own peice of work.

Weiss's P.O.V.

Oh my gosh, I'm so excited! My sister is visiting beacon, I haven't seen her since the day I came here.
Maybe Beacon should hold vital festival more often, I'd be able to see my sister.
"Weiss!" Ruby obnoxiously called.
"What Ruby?!" I replied very annoyed.
"Why are you just standing out here, it's kind of weird." She said.
"It's not weird! I'm just waiting for my sister to get here." I said.
"Does she have a ship with ribbons on it? And a bunch of body gaurds? And looks like an older, meaner, grammar nazi'er' version of you?" She asked.
"Yes... probably... and y... hey!" I answered.
"Wait... WINTER!" I screamed as I ran up to her. Man those robot gaurds are really crappy. Why didn't they stop me before I got to her?
"Hello, Weiss. How are you?" She asked.
I told her about school, my grades, and extracurricular activities.
"Ow!" I guess she meant how I'm feeling. After apologizing, I told her how I've been fairing. I even introduced her to Ruby. Which I almost immediately regreted.
We began walking to my teams quarters, she wanted to judge how healthy I was living, to see if I was living up to her standards.

Winter's P.O.V.

"Hey you!" A familiar voice called. "Yea you ice queen." It was Qrow, that jack ass.
"Who do you think you"re talking to..." my sister stormed towards him. He was quick to shut her up and push her to the side.
I wanted to scold him for pushing my sister, and being drunk. But Atlas habits die hard.
"You just destroyed Atlas property Qrow." I coldly said.
Ruby wasn't paying much attention until I said his name, but she was quick to change that.
"UNCLE QROW!" She squealed like a fan girl. I did the same thing Qrow did to my sister and pushed Ruby aside. That asshole.
"Wassup snowflake?" He said in a drunken slur.
"Oh nothing just you destroying my body gaurds, assaulting my sister and I... Oh and your drunk!"
"Hmmm..." Qrow hums, then changes his expression from thinking to a stupid smirk.
"So it seems..." He says.
"I'm sick of you always doing this Qrow! Everytime I visit Beacon you fight me." As I say this I trudge towards him with unwavering determination to punch that perfect smile right off his face. I change my attitude, because when I reached two yards away his smirk turned to a genuine smile and... he shed a tear.
"I miss you" I say as a run into his arms.
"I miss you too, Snowflake" Qrow whispers to me. Returning my hug and pushing me off right before Weiss shows up to ruin the moment.

Qrow's P.O.V.

I miss her so much, but I had to end the hug before Ruby came to ruin the moment.
"Uhh, what just happened?" Weiss exasperated.
"You guys are cute together..." Ruby says in a seducing tone and a devious look on her face.
"Don't start rumors kid, where just old freinds." I say. I notice Winter blushing and saying something similar to her sister in a very condescending tone. I start walking away with Ruby and Weiss following close behind.
"You can't just walk away like that! You were having a conversation with my sister!" Weiss yells.
"I didn't come here only for Ice Queen. I have another neice to visit." Weiss was saying something but I couldn't hear her. I was too busy getting tackled in a hug by Ruby, who almost immediately latched onto my arm.
"Let's go, red." She is annoying but damn she can be adorable sometimes.
"Weren't you heading to their dorm room as well, Winter."
I ask her. She quickly walked past me with Weiss in tow.
"Ofcourse I was, come quickly I have places to be." She walked way ahead and stopped to look back at me. Then she did the unthinkable... She winked at me.
"Hey, that's my thing." I yelled.

Winter Crow - Warming A Cold HeartWhere stories live. Discover now