Bad Man's Bad Plans

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Ironwood's P.O.V.

Who does that fuck boy think he is. That man shouldn't dare think about even looking at my... ahem... Winter. I should have him strapped to a cross then crucified. And maybe even by 'chance' Winter should be around the area he's being disciplined.

"Jarvis! Comense plan 'Win Her Over'." I tell my second in command. "Yes General." He says. As he runs off to begin my plan, I start to laugh maniacally. "This Qrow won't be flying for much longer." I say to myself. "What was that sir?" A soilder asked. "Ahem... cough... ahem.... Nothing. Begin gathering the materials for my little... project." I order.

"All the materials are ready and placed in their proper positions sir!" A soilder told me. "Took you long enough, it's been three days. Are you positive that Winter will converge on the planned area once the disciplining begins?" I ask. "Yes sir, and if everything goes to plan, you will be there to... take her away from the gruesome scene like a hero." He says, reading off a script that I wrote for part of the plan. "Good." I wait, "I said... GOOD!" Hearing his cue, a soilder comes out screaming, "Sir! Are you ready to start the plan?" The soilder asks. "Yes. I'll be on my way to wait in the perfect position." I say, then begin to walk off my ship.

"I'm here." I say into my radio earpeice. "Ok General. We will begin right now." A soilder replies over the radio. I prepare my whip, anticipating how excited I'll be for Qrow's beating.
I try to calm myself, knowing that Winter likes calm and collected men. "What the hell?!" Qrow yells. I turn the predetermined corner to see Qrow in a sidewalk intersection in front of Beacon. "You've gone unchecked long enough Qrow!" I yell, making him shut up for once.

This is going to be sweet. But where is Winter? "Where is Winter? She's supposed to have shown up after the first whip!" I whisper yell into my radio earpeice. "Sorry sir. She's rejecting our calls." The soilder whimpers back over the radio.
I guess I'll just have to go through with this. Contingency plan A will have to do. It won't be as effective as the normal plan, but Winter will still be in my arms by the end of today.

Instead of her witnessing this rapscallionns beating, she'll have to hear of it on the news. I'll be the first guy she'll come to for comfort. Ironically enough, I'm the one who caused her to need comforting.

After what seemed like forever, I whipped Qrow again. He seems to be taking it well. Which I don't like. "It seems your taking this well Qrow." I say. "It was coming sooner or later, asshat." Qrow replies. "I hope you have enough aura left to handle bullets as well as you handled my whip." I say. Qrow begins to say something, but I drew a little faster than he can talk. That's saying alot, by the way.

After a few shots from my gun Qrow begins to stir. "Are you almost done softwood? I have places I need to be." Qrow says. I know his aura is running low, so I give him what he wants. "I'll make this quick, if that's what your asking Qrow." I say. "Your wish is my command." I say. Then I lay into him with the last bullets in my gun. His aura depleted by the last two, and I got him in critical areas.

As if on cue, two little girls come and drag Qrow away. At least I don't have to worry about the clean up crew.

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