Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes to the sound of rain and the site that met me was scary. The roof of my shelter had bee torn of and my food and water was gone except on tiny bottle of water that was laying on the floor.

I gathered my composure and picked up the water and put it in my rucksack. I then carefully made my way to the remains of my house. As I was walling carefully through my house the site that met me was terrifying. The houses that used to surround me,now only their foundations lay there.

As I made my way out of the house the full extent of the damage from nuclear missile hit me. There were ruins of houses and no houses at all. It soon hut me that maybe the world world lay in waist and I could be one of a very few survivers.

My thoughts then changed into survival mode. I decided to make my way to the nearest grocery store to see what I could salvage. As I am walking through this once beautiful city with the rain showering down on me I am sad at the though of all the innocents lost.

I finally found a grocery store and I stood outside and contemplating going in. I hesitantly entered and to my shock most the shelves had been emptied out. I looked around and found three time of canned food and two bottles of water. The I noticed a shadowing figure standing in the corner.

I shouted out hello but the figure didn't budge. I slowly moved forward a couple of inches and shouted hello again but this time the shadowy figure let a slow and ear aching screech. I was frozen with fear and as the figure turned around I saw that even though it had the body of a person it clearly wasn't one. It eyes were red, it had some sort of green liquid oozing out of its mouth and open wounds and its nails had grown about 25cm long. Suddenly it started running towards me.

I started running, I ran out of the store and I could hear its terrifying screech behind me. I round a corner and suddenly felt a knock against my head and then total darkness.

I woke up and looked to my left and jumped in fright as the creature lay dead beside me. " You shouldn't make to much noise and You don't have to worry about the ghoul anymore" the strange in a black hoodie said.

I got up and in my mind there were only two questions. Who was this stranger in the hoodie and what the hell is going on.

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