Fuck Shit Upppp

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Everyone had changed into something for the occasion, black jumpsuits. Ashanti and Shanice had flipped their beds over and pulled out several types of explosives, they stuffed them into garbage bags and everyone attempted to sneak out of the mansion. They made a bunch of noise, but luckily, everyone in the mansion were heavy sleepers.

When they got outside, Riley started sprinting as fast as she could. She got 20 feet away when Shanice threw a rock and knocked her forwards so that she fell on her face. "OW!" They pointed towards an SUV that wasn't even parked correctly. "I'll drive". Jamie tossed Genay the keys and everyone got in the back.

They pulled up outside and hopped out of the SUV.... 

Heya people, give some feedback please, positive or negative, it helps either way xD. Take a minute and comment something you'd like to see, like help meh come up with next chapter.

-  Dévil

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