1: The Beginning

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Crysti's P.O.V
How many times must I go through this I wondered to myself as I ran as fast as my converse wearing feet could carry me to my next class.Tardiness had become one of my built in traits since 9th grade.Finally I arrived.

"Late again Miss Lake" my psychology teacher Mrs Winters said coldly.
"Sorry Mrs Wint..."
"Just take a seat next to Miss Parker and stop disturbing my class" she cut through.

Giving up all attempt to apologize I slouched down lazily on my seat and shot a 'wazzup' look to Magenta a.k.a my best friend who was too deeply concentrated in the class to notice my greeting. Typical, I thought to myself.

Magenta Parker had the whole punk Gothic emo thing going on for her but it wasn't too dark. Her jet black hair , dark outfits complimented by distinguished piercings made her a force to be reckoned with. True to her appearance, her soul was equally as deep as she cared only of the "dying" earth and polluted economy and going on various protests like the fight against global warming. She also got into numerous trouble. It showed no ssuprisw when she became fascinated with psychology and the human mind. You'd think it was a good thing but she probably needed it only for her advantage, so she could pick up things like mind reading or control, the art of stalking and other creeper up things she liked.
She was truly the ying to my yang as I was opposite from her in numerous ways...not like I was the supposed girly girl, short skirt wearing, face filled with makeup, manicures and pedicures doing, girls shopping banaza crazed, Starbucks addict. No..I was just thee casual statement top, faded jeans,converse wearing, loose kind of girl who is equally addicted to Starbucks....hey what can I say...I love a good drink

"Miss Lake!!"
I heard someone shout my name only to discover it was Mrs Winters snapping me back to reality

"Yes Mrs" I said innocently

"Thank you for coming back to this universe. Now can you tell me a possible reason for someone to result into stalking"

"Em.....obsession" I answered

"Thank you....now that will be all. Your all dismissed."

"Thank heavens" I sighed relieved.

Grabbing my bag I glanced towards Magenta who was waiting impatiently for me.

"What the fuck dude....I get it...I'm awesome and a dark empress buy you can't go around staring at me for 10 awkward minutes....I could feel your eyes burning into my once pure soul" she smirked

"Hahaaha laugh it up...I was actually thinking of how to get rid of your body if I were to murder you"

"Oh really and what did you come up with" she said her eyebrows raised in an all to familiar grin.

"Em ...I....your body..... In....em ..basement" I hesitated." Yeah basement" I tried to sound confident as I glanced at her smirking face.
" fine I give up" I sighed in defeat.

" I thought so....besides we both know you are way to innocent to even be evil yet alone hide a body"

"What are saying?....hmmm.what are you tryna say?" I questioned

"Don't take it the wrong way Crysti but you're far too sweetly innocent to pull off anything of such manner e.g pranks, evil, darkness"

"How dare you....I'll have you know I can pull of multiple dark things pranks, killings, you name it" I overexaggeratedly said with a sour tone.

" is that right now" she laughed with the whole 'are you serious' facial expression.

"Yes I am.....you name it" I said starting to get pissed off as we headed for lunch.

"Wanna bet........"

So what do you guys think......huh...huh....*wink wink wink*
So you have been introduced to Crysti and....Magenta...what do you think about them.
Don't be a silent reader
On the top is a picture of Crysti..you don't even want to know how long I searched for a girl but I settled on Sabrina Carpenter
A.k.a Nutella-is-baexx

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