4: Luck is never on my side

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Crystals P.O.V

" Ayyy..you know what day it is Bitchacha" Magenta grinned

Groaned. I externally groaned. Today was the cursed day. The day I sadly start or at least try to start stalking Dustin and I got to say....no exaggeration or anything....I am losing my sanity.

"Em... Procrastination day?" I asked innocently, or as innocent my face can get.

"Oh cut the crap. Don't try the shit with me Crys" Magenta warned.

" What shit....I don't see any shit that needs to be tried Mage"

"I will gauge your eyeballs" Magenta breathed while pinching the bridge of her nose"
"Since you want to play the innocent game let me remind you. You....yes you...are starting your stalk mission and like promised your stalk for today is to follow Dustin home. I heard him and his dumbassed but fine as fuck gang are walking and passing through the abandoned park today."

Great. Just great
Why couldnt I be born a bee or something but nooooo my soul purpose in life is die a short and untimely death just so I can prove a point. Nice going Crysti.... Way to go.

We were currently eating lunch and going through are stalk plans. Knowing what horrific day today was I decided to be on the down low and wear black skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie to mask my self from the evils of the word befalled against me in the form of a 17 year old body by the name of Magenta.

"I know. I know Magenta...blah blah blah...stalk..blah blah....picture. I get it my point is ... Can we just call a truce already ..common I said some things ..you said some things...we said some things...let's just call it even and forget about this dumb deal..huh...I'll even throw in a pack of Haribos"

Noooooooo.....not the haribos
My precious....take it back
you monster...damn you to hell mouth...damn you to hell

"Nice try Crysti but chances of truce flew out the window the second 'Majay-jay vajay-jay' slipped out your mouth"

"Ohhh common Mage can we forget about that already that happened like 2 days ago....please....I'm begging you....I'm on my knees....do you want me to say it"

Don't say it

"Do you seriously want me to say it"

Don't say it

"Fine I'll say it"


"Zayn Malik is better than Harry Styles and Imagine Dragons is no way as lit as Cold play"

You said it. I can't believe you said it......why would you say it.
Your dead to me.....DEAD TO ME
You cold heartless monster...you lie
Why do you lie...
I'm dying ...please help...my heart ...it hurts...
Is this what heartbreak feels like. The Humanity!!!!!!!

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