An angel named Eli

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Apparently now that I could see Eli, it gave him a clear opportunity to eat all of my food. After he finished cleaning out more than half of my fridge, he finally spoke again. 

  "Since I am your guardian, you're aloud to see me. Had you been anyone else, your memory would have been erased on sight." He said, pressing buttons on my phone. I felt my pockets and looked back up at him in shock, snatching my phone from him. 

  "When did you take my phone?!" I looked at the screen. "And how do you know my password?" I said, while changing my password, making sure he couldn't see the screen. He shrugged and began to walk around my apartment, looking around.   

"I know everything about you." He said plainly. He waltzed into my room like he had done it a million times and sat on my bed. He held his hand out at me. "Now can I get the phone back? I was in the middle of angry birds." I gaped at him. 

  "I thought angles were supposed to be electronically challenged and only speak old English. And where are your wings?" I asked, looking at him at different angles to see if I could spot a feather. My phone was snatched from my hand and I heard the familiar sound of the lock clicking open.

  "Well then, Vesper, your thoughts about angels other than the fact that they exist are all painfully wrong." He looked up at me from my now unlocked phone. "I find that statement a bit racist. Angels are smart creatures and guardians spend most of their time on earth, why wouldn't we learn to adapt to what's going on around us? And as for my wings, I don't have them...or at least not in this form. We have three forms. The spiritual, which is our first, the heavenly, which you saw recently-our more natural form and the physical, which is what I am now. I'm basically taking shape in a human form so, no wings." He explained, although he sounded a bit distracted by the game on my phone. I snatched my phone back and sat next to him on the bed, oddly feeling comfortable and relaxed around someone I didn't know. 

   I had remembered that when I was little they would tell us how God was present everywhere and always watched over us because he was everywhere at once. As the thought entered my mind, a dark blush colored my pail skin. So dose that mean Eli watches me in the shower? I turned so that I was facing him, my knees slightly brushing his thigh. I shuffled back a bit to give him some space even though he looked like he was way too absorbed in a game of temple run. I cleared my throat awkwardly to get his attention. With a sigh, as if disappointed that he had to pause the game, he looked up at me, his eyes boring into mine a bit too deeply, making me nervous. I looked down at my dark green bed sheet, suddenly finding myself having to look for my voice- something i never had trouble with. What happened to that relaxed feeling from earlier? 

 "So you spend your whole life watching over people? I you stalk people twenty four seven?" I asked. A deep chuckle resounded from beside me. I looked up to see him shaking his head at me.  

  "No, I don't watch you during your shower or any other time when you need privacy." He said, answering my real question. He looked back down, continuing his game on my phone. It was getting really annoying. He seemed to find the phone more interesting. You'd think he's the damn phone's guardian angel. Eli Looked back up at me, an amused smile gracing his lips.

  "I'm just giving you time to sort through your thoughts. They get jumbled if I look at you too long." he shrugged. "Besides. I've already beat all of your high scores." He flashed me a grin before going back to the game. My mouth popped open, my jaw hanging somewhere near the ground. Without loosing his concentration on the game, he closed my jaw using one hand, the other rapidly going across the screen of my phone. I narrowed my eyes. Can he read my thought-

  "Yes." He answered bluntly. I snached the phone from him and turned the screen off, throwing it so that it landed on the black beanbag chair across the room. He looked at me, a pout on his lips. I twitched with the sudden urge to give the phone back to him. I swallowed it back and glared at him.     "Stop reading my thoughts. You have no right to violate my privacy." I ground out. He flashed me that boyish grin of his.    

"Actually, I have every right to. I'm your guardian." He stated. I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

  "Well can you not? It's very disturbing." He snorted, raising an eyebrow.

  "Disturbing? You know what's disturbing? Your thoughts toward that Jonathan boy in the ninth grade." He said pointedly. My face turned lava red at the memory of my high school memory.  

"That was private..." I mumbled, my hands covering my face in embarrassment. A sigh made me look up from my hands. Eli was looking at me. No. Not me. He was looking though me. He was looking at my soul.

  "Fine. I won't read your thoughts all the time. But be warned, I will if I have to." He said, staring me down. I nodded weakly, wanting to shrink down to the size of an ant and have the earth swallow me whole. He looked like a human man but in all reality, he still had that demanding aura of his.   "Are you reading my thoughts now?" I began to think of random nonsense. Eli shook his head and I smiled. A curiosity crept into my thoughts, one question suddenly at the forefront of my mind.   

" old are you?" Eli looked up at the ceiling, as if he was trying to remember. I raised an eyebrow. "You seriously don't know?" He shrugged.

  "We don't really keep track since age means nothing to us but it's not hard to remember. I'm about..." He bit his lip, a calculating expression on his features. "One hundred and seventy eight. I'm the youngest of my kind. It gets annoying being the youngest of the family." He rolled his eyes while mine widened.    

"I thought age doesn't matter?" He nodded.

  "The number, not the experience. I was created last."  

"Created?" He nodded.

  "An angel's creation is much like the birth of a human child, except more complicated and mysterious. A human infant is born and it can't remember how it was made or how it was developed, which is exactly what happens with us. The thing is that you find out eventually where you came from. No one knows how an angel is made except for God and the first angels were that were made, even before the earth was born. Some say that When a black hole is created, the light and energy it takes in is used to make an angel, hand crafted by God. But no one knows the truth." I sat in silence as I took in all of this.  

"Wow." was all I said. Eli laid down, staring up at the ceiling.  

"Any more questions?" I shook my head.

  "Not right now..." A yawn escaped my lips. I looked out my small window and saw how dark it really was. My eyelids drooped and I curled up into a ball next to Eli. I was calmed and felt secure so as i drifted off to bed, I slightly snuggled up to his side like a cat would do, leaving reality to visit the world of dreams once more.

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