Chapter 13

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"Hi Niks."

I greeted Nikki when I saw her.


She smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek. "How's your weekend? With you know who." she winked and my face automatically lit up and I smiled.


She poked my side, "C’mon! I won't take fine for an answer. You and Nate.. huh? So did you lose it yet?"

"Nichole! I can’t believe you."

She laughed.

"We just did some of the things on the list you gave him."

I said trying to make another point.

"So what if I gave him the list? Psh. At least you both had fun checking some things on it. So come on. Spill the deets."


I thought about my weekend and played with the end of my hair.

"We skipped Film and he drove us to White court."

"To White court?! Geez. He must've pained his neck."

She laughed.

I continued telling her about it and she didn't let me miss anything. Well, I excluded the overnight part. You know, what almost happened.

During lunch my phone kept on buzzing. I pressed the green button and answered, "hey."

"Hey. I thought you'd reject the call."

He laughed.

"Why would I do that Harper?"

I asked a smile tugging the corner of my lips.

"Because. I don't know. Where are you?"

"Uh. I'm at the library. Why?"

"Good. I'll pick you there and let's have lunch outside."

"Psh. Let's just eat inside the school. Besides, we don't have much time left. I'l just meet you there."

"Sounds like a plan."

After a little while Nate and I were eating and people were giving us the looks. It made me feel very uncomfortable but Nate said I shouldn't mind them. Nonetheless when I saw Nikki and Mitch I called them and told them to sit with us.


Nikki said as she slipped on her tray and sat down.

"Ooooh. Having lunch together now eh?"

Mitch teased.

"What? We're friends now. Right, Harper?"

"You got that right Reid."

"Aw. I thought you guys are gonna fight all year. But now here you are, friends. Sux. That's just boring! Where's the fun in that?"

"Well you know what; I don't think they're just friends. After all, they spent the weekend together. So we might as well think they're dating."

Nikki eyed us mischievously.

"Shut it Niks."

I warned. So I guess calling my friends to join us for lunch wasn't such a good idea.

"That true?"

Mitch dropped her frappe and continued, "dang! You guys are fast!"

"Yeah. I guess you can say that. We're dating."

Nate finally butted in.

"We are?"

"Yes we are babe. Matter of fact, I'm taking you home later."

He winked and my friends laughed. Instantly, I felt myself blush.

"Ooooh. Someone's blushing."

 Mitch is right, we are fast. But hey, lemme just enjoy the ride. I wonder what my hater's gunna say when she/he hears this.

After my class, Nate texted me and told me to meet him at the gym. Then we'll just walk home. Good thing I didn't bring my car today. When I got there I saw the door slightly open, I was about to push it when I heard my name.

"We should tell Katherine."

A deep voice said.

"What? No. Not now dude."

Hey wait. Is that.. Nate?

"She should know. I already texted her mom about this."

My mom?! What the?!

"I don't wanna see her hurt man. Besides we've only started dating."

"You're dating?! Let's talk about that later. As I was saying, we can't keep this any longer. She needs to know. Let's tell her--"

I couldn't contain it any longer so I pushed the door, walked in, and lock gazes with Lew and Nate's shocked faces. "Tell me what?"

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