Chapter 25

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"Do you want to grab lunch together?" Dad asks me.

I look up at him through the piles of folders surrounding me. I had the amazing job - note the sarcasm - of rearranging and organising Dad's many filing cabinets littered around his office.

"Um, are you sure that you have time?" I ask him.

"I can make time, I want to get to know you more, you have been here for a while and I still don't even really know you," Dad tells me.

"Well then, lets go, do you know anywhere good?" I say, my mood significantly better than before, now that I've been noticed.

"I know just the place," he smiles. It's a very Dad smile. You know that loving, caring smile, that look that they give you, like you mean the world to them? Yeah that look. I've not really seen it directed at me before, but this smile is just for me, and I like it.

We head out of his office and walk a couple of blocks over to a small café. It's tucked between two bigger shops, demanding all the attention. It just sits there, not drawing attention to itself, with it's small, plain sign and white exterior.

I look at Dad with doubt, as if to say really? Is this the place you wanted to bring me?

Dad offers nothing but a reassuring nod as he swings the door open. It's beautiful inside, the walls are a soft cream and the surfaces all a gleaming white. The café is immaculate, it's crisp, clean and light. We sit at a table near the window and I watch as Dad sits down slowly, holding his lower back like an old man. I suppose he is an old man, though he doesn't seem it.

People rush by the window and for a bit Dad and I just watch them, and their hectic lives unfold in front of us. 

"It's nice here isn't it?" Dad asks me, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Yeah," I murmur, still peering out at the crowd outside, "it's quiet here, it's finally quiet. The whole city is buzzing, it's loud, no it's noisy.  Too noisy."

Dad nods, "yeah that is one of the things that I miss about the village, it's why I like this place."

"What's another?" 

"You," he says without missing a beat.

I smile, my heart warming to hear that he cares, I've spent most of my life up to this point seeing him as this cold uncaring father who shook his responsibilities and ran away, "do you miss our house?"

"Of course, the little white gate that took you around to the back garden and the ivy that followed the house around, like a sign pointing out the way."  Dad's eyes glaze over as he members the beautiful house.

"We moved soon after you left, into a flat nearby."

"Yeah," Dad nodded, "I know, your Mum sent an email, but I didn't have any money spare at that point. I had just invested it all in the company."

"I understand, I used to be angry, and bitter, but know I'm just glad to meet you properly, and meet your new family. You've done well for yourself."

"Thanks," Dad says, "I'm really pleased as well, you've turned out great, and I'm so proud to know you."

"Thank you, but, do you think I could order some food, I'm really hungry," I laugh.

"Of course," Dad smiles.


"Finished," I shout, punching my fist up into the air.

Dad startles and looks over at my desk, the filing cabinets are all organised and I've finished the work he gave me. Dad smiles, "well done."

"Perhaps you should just keep them tidy from now on, you know, put files back where you got them from?" I laugh, "it would be much easier."

"But I have children to do that for me," Dad laughs jokingly, "I'm impressed Amelie, do you want more work?"

"No," I pull a face, "I want to go home and watch a film with Clara."

"Well then, let's do just that," Dad replies, picking up his coat and briefcase.

"Are you serious? Are we actually allowed to do that?" 

Dad scoffs, "I own the company, I can do what I like."

"Well okay then," I smile, "pushing myself up out of the chair, "let's go." 

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