Bad day..

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I really hate when I have a bad day ....
I just wish I can stop time and ....realize if there something really wrong with me...and ... I'm am that... Useless to other people... But I just can't think.. I say things that I am gonna do but I can't do them.. Its hard to pretend I'm fine everyday ... Act like I'm happy..but.. In reality.. I am not ... Everyday I just feel a little more useless than the past few days... Like.. I was a ghost.. Like I am being ignore...

I just wish to fix mistakes.. But... I there is one thing... That makes me not to...

Mistakes are just mistakes... You learn from them... And ...change your future a lot...

But.. Now..there is no time going back...You have this friends... Online... That do care for you.. But... I can't really decide in with side am I...

I can't decided if I'm just a dolll being played around...or...

Just a normal girl with hopes and dreams to reach..

Most of the time.. I have bad luck...Every day I'm afraid.. Afraid of something to happen... Like... It is gonna occur...I ...want



At least one...


None of you.. Are... Gonna...

Because you are not actually with me...

But.. I promise someone..

To never feel negative...

With.. Kinda help me today...

I kinda got some new friends.. Even though... Its about to be the end of the school year...

I want to keep my promise.. So...

That promise.. Kinda change me a lot...

But... Mostly the minor things..

If I break that promise.. I will never forgive myself...Ever... I made that promise..And I will make it true...

But.... I still have the feeling of being..

Afraid... I don't know why.. But... I can feel it... ..

Is it...

That ..I'm afraid of death?...Or perhaps... Losing something....or someone? Losing something that is very value to me? ....There is a lot I'm afraid of...but.. Thinking about the...
Followers... Friends... And... My family who really is now... Kinda.. Changing... To very nice...

Makes me...

Not That much afraid... Because you all are with me..even in the darkest times...

I just know.. This year will be better than every year I ever had in my life....I just know it...

*smiles*.. ... You also.. Need to spend your time ...carefully... With your friends and yourself...enjoy it..

You never know, when will be your turn... Or someone's else turn you know...

Always.. Care..about yourself..

God gave everyone life... Because they deserve it ...

Every single soul in this planet...

*turns camera off*

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