Chapter 15

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Right as Niall said that a short, brunette walked into the room. Her shorts were way too short and her shirt, if it is even allowed to be called that, hung way to low; showing stuff she doesn't really have.

"Niall babe, the boys and girls are all ready to leave for the restaurant. Oh is this Sabrina?" Wow. Her voice is high. Not to mention the gum she was smacking made that disgusting sound every time she chewed.

"No its Samantha, and we're ready. Hun, could you help Samantha change into something other than sweatpants, you know since her accident she can't really do it by herself?" Accident? What did Niall tell her my accident was? I don't feel comfortable with her knowing what has happened to me, not even the boys and girls know that yet. Niall wouldn't of told her would he; however, if he did, that is completely private and shouldn't have been told.

"Sure babe, it will give us a chance to talk too." Jenna stepped off the staircase and came up to Niall. Giving him a kiss on the cheek, leaving nasty pink residue on his cheek, with her pink lip gloss.

"Thank you, I'll  be waiting for you guys down stairs." Niall made his way out of my room, walking down the steps. Once he was out of view Jenna turned towards me, her facial expressions were unreadable. Like looking for any reaction out of Kristen Stewart. Not that easy.

"Hey, so we didn't really meet properly, I'm Saman-" I started to say and held my hand out for her to shake. But she cut me off before I could finish. Rude.

"Oh cut the act, Niall told me how you 'fell on your skateboard,'" While talking she added quotation marks as she spoke. At least Niall didn't say what had really happened. "but seriously? Just because you're that much of an attention whore, doesn't really mean you have to go out of your way to fake an injury to get Niall. He doesn't want you, you're just a publicity stunt. Get that through your think skull. Now lets pick out an outfit that will make you look a little decent."



So dinner was, awkward. The only people who were talking were Niall and Jenna. She kept on flashing her fake eyelashes while Niall made puppy eyes at her. The air was full of tension, like you could probably cut it with a knife. I tried making a conversation with Louis or Harry, but every time I said a word, that fake ass bitch mofo had to interrupt what I was saying. You could clearly tell that the other group doesn't like her.

"So Niall I was thinking tonight me and you," You and I, I corrected her in my head. "could go on a date." Jenna looked at me, looking up and down before turning her attention towards Niall again. "Alone."

"Maybe Samantha could come with us? I haven't really been around her for a couple of days." He just stoke up for me. Aw.

"But Niall-" Before Jenna could continue her sentence, Zayn cut her off.

"It is alright Niall. Samantha and I were going to hang out tonight anyways."

I was happy that Zayn knew I didn't want to be around the Barbie. But I also wanted to go on the date with Niall, not in a weird way, but maybe to get Jenna to explode on me. In front of someone. Or in front of everyone.


Zayn and I were alone. I don't know why but he honestly still scares me. Even though he did save my life practically and stop Harry from doing something he'd regret. And in all honestly I feel horrible. Knowing that Perrie and I are so close and then when Zayn and I are together I start to tremble, afraid to say something wrong. No one should have to worry like this.

"Samantha, could I actually talk to you?" Zayn plopped himself down on the couch next to me.

Alright I know super short chapter, and super late update. Its just everything is hard right now. So for now on expect longer waits for updates. Oh that rhymed. I should be a rapper. Like yo. Okay forget that. Hopefully most of y'all skip the authors note. Maybe not. Then that is embarrassing.

Oh well bye bye!


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