*|47: Not Important|*

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A/N: this is like a diary, it doesnt need any likes or comments if you don't want to. This is insight on today/Teen life.

Today, we had a driving impared awarness presentation, like always i and other people cry. Anyway they demonstrated an actual accident, and i find it stupid and sad. So you see, my dad was in a car accident; he was sober, and it was on his way to work.

Me and my mom were sick, and he wanted to stay home to help; but he had to go to work, and on his way. Someone was avoiding an animal, and they colided. My dad was stuck in his car for a while, when they got him out; they got him in a helicopter, he was Resurrected once.
Second time, he was gone.

Then me and m mom had a fight about doing my chores early, i said something; i said i was sorry, but she got mad and just got up and seemed like she was going to do them like she does normally when i don't.

I was tired of it, and I'm just mad that my dad is gone; mad that my mom is 52, and doesn't understand teenagers these days. Im mad that i felt like i had to stay by her side all the time, because i was the only one closest to her. I'm angry, that i never had a life hanging out with friends whether its a party or just hanging out at their house. I hate that i have no social life out of school. I do when My friend Kim comes over, or when i go over there. I am so angry at my whole life in general, and yet all im doing is crying in my room, because i can't really do anything. All my friends live the opposite side of me, i live in a small country town; and they live in the village/city, and i hate it so much. I feel like i have to try and fit in, and I'm being out shun because i cant do any fun things with them or don't know what their always/mostly talk about.

Most of my friends are online or away. They are my friends too but its so hard.

I am not the type to attempt suicide in any means, but i am depressed and feel very done right now.

Sarah-Bearah {MB/S}Where stories live. Discover now