*|88: Fangirl Moment of the Year|*

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Note that I am Missing most or Some of what happened, its just what I liked personally)

※Internally Screaming!!!!!!※

Okay, so I am completely caught up with Sherlock and I will be forever in love with this show. The Cases and the Relationships between characters is what attracts me to Sherlock. I adored 2 out of the 3 episodes, The Lying Detective and The Final Problem. So far The Final Problem takes the Cake 🎂. 100/10 is the rating I give, the good; the bad, and the sad made this Episode I find the best Episode yet regardless the lack of a ship conformation. The Reveal of Eurus Holmes, and her also being a fake Faith Smith as well as the girl on the bus E**** made all the show more interesting.

I like I think some were expecting Sherrinford was going to be a Holmes sibling, but ended up as a facility that held Eurus since when she was taken away. I love how we find out that Moriarity and her talk unsupervised for 5 minutes, as a present for her efforts in helping Mycroft/Government in a certain way. She was the one who probably manipulated Moriarity who already had a fascination for Sherlock, and set up the game that has played out before the end of Season 4. How she toyed with Sherlock, John; and Mycroft, was absolutely perfect. I wasn't expecting for Eurus to manipulate/control the whole facility.

One of her Experiments was to see how easy it was for someone to kill the other, while in the end John killed the anonymous man (I call him) and Eurus ended up killing the man's wife. Next was a case where Sherlock could only solve by pictures of the 3 suspects, and the gun that was used; he solved it correctly, but Eurus killed/drowned them anyway. After that Sherlock, John; and Mycroft enter a room with a coffin, which the top said 'I Love You'. Sherlock and John come to the conclusion that it is Ment to be Molly Hooper's coffin. The terms were to get her to say 'I Love you' within three minutes, without telling her or giving any hints to what was happening otherwise she would die somehow that I don't remember how.

Which brings up this lovely clip I found on YouTube, pardon the music and the edits that may get in the way but that happens in a portion of that scene.

I am a Sherlolly Fan, as well as a Johnlock fan. So I think you can imagine my sadness and relief during this scene. Whether it I Platonic or non Platonic I ship it.

Anyway, to my understanding; Sherlock knowing that he may have jeopardized his relationship with her, he smashes the coffin to smithereens. Finally, the last experiment in Sherrinford was him choosing whether to kill John or Mycroft. Trying to make the decision easier, Mycroft tries to get on Sherlock's bad side to save him from losing a friend but he dismisses it and choses to shoot himself. Eurus doesn't want him to die, so she darts them and is taken to their childhood home. He finds out his predicament, and is given a task to find out what happened to his Dog Red beard. But finds out Red Beard wasn't really his dog, but his childhood friend that played with him a lot as a kid; who Eurus was jealous of, which she put him in a well to drown where John is previously. Trying not to drown, Sherlock helps his Sister and friend. Sherlock, and John fix up their old flat; and Sherlock, and his family visit Eurus in Sherrinford. Though she doesn't speak any more, her and Sherlock communicate through their Violin playing which is absolutely amazing. We also see everyone happy, and everything back to normal.


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