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Hansol's POV

Looking at her made everything around us stop. The smile on my face grew as I watched her bring her hand to her face and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, looking down at the ground shyly and then back up at me.

'Hey.' I signed

"Hey Hansol." She signed back.

"You look great, Reia! Oh my goodness." I saw her blush and laugh as she looked away from me.

"Thank you so much. You look great as well. We're actually matching!" I looked down at my shirt and then at her dress.

"Really? What a coincidence." She nodded her head and turned her attention to the waiter, telling him something. She gently grabbed my hand as we were lead to a small table towards the back of the restaurant. I pulled out the chair for Reia before sitting down myself. I smiled as I watched her look out the window, glancing at the people outside. Suddenly, her face brightened up and she quickly turned to me.

"Ah Hansol, I love this song!" She signed. I felt disappointment wash over me, but I didn't let my face show it. I really wish I could hear the song that made her so happy.

"Could you sign the lyrics to me?" I asked her, hoping it wouldn't make her uncomfortable.

"Of course!" She waited for the next verse to begin before she started signing again. "and a piece of mind, and i want my girl in my arms when I sleep breathing in her dreams near the air I breathe, and I wanna dream" She continued as I watched her hand movements and facial expressions. It seemed like a really good song.

"Wow! It seems like a really nice song. I can see why you love it." I grinned.

Reia's POV

[Time skip to the end of dinner because I'm too lazy and want this chapter to be short]

We sat in our seats, full after just eating a huge amount of food and learning about each other. I was really beginning to enjoy Hansol's company. It was fascinating. Not a lot of people know how to sign, so it's like we're in our own little world together. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7. "Wow.. We've been here for two hours!"

"Really? That long? Ah, I hope your parents won't be angry that you've been out this long!" He smiled nervously, making me giggle a bit.

"No, no they won't be angry." Hansol and I both stood up, walking to the front to pay. He decided that he would pay, and I would tip. I didn't really like him paying for the whole thing, but he was very stubborn.

We both exited the restaurant with grins on our faces. I glanced over at Hansol, admiring his handsome features. I hadn't known him for that long, but he seemed like such a strong person. I knew it must be hard for him being deaf in Korea, but he got through each day and managed to put a smile on his face. He quickly turned to me and I adverted my eyes to the sky. I felt his almost rough fingers brush against my hand as I took a deep breath. I wouldn't be very surprised if he tried to hold my hand in all honesty, he seemed to be very confident at times. I was snapped out of my thoughts with a hand being waved in front of my face and Hansol signing to me.

"Let's quickly get some doughnuts and then we can get a cab!" He eagerly grinned down at me and pointed to a bakery up ahead, making me let out a small laugh.

"Of course, that sounds awesome!" He grabbed my hand and quickened his pace. 'Jeez, he must really like doughnuts...' I thought to myself as I walked behind him, tightening my grip on his hand as we walked through a crowd of people. Hansol gently pulled me into the bakery, the smell of sweet baked goods reaching my nose and making me smile. Still holding hands, we peered over the counter like little children, looking at all of the flavors.

Hansol let go of my hand, surprising me slightly as my arm fell to the side. "We should get 2 each and a few doughnut holes" He suggested. I quickly nodded and turned my attention back to the beautiful doughnuts.

Hansol decided to get a chocolate doughnut as well as a peanut butter one, while I got a glazed custard filled one and a maple doughnut. We both played for half and exited the shop with smiles on our faces. We both walked to the edge of the sidewalk and hailed a cab. Hansol gave me his address which I told to the driver along with our own. We both turned to each other with smirks on our faces as we looked down at the bag. Our hands quickly darted in the bag and came out holding the opposite doughnut. We laughed and exchanged, taking a bite.

Hansol's POV

I couldn't believe how great this night was going. Right now I was sitting in a cab, eating doughnuts with Reia, one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. After quickly eating our dessert for the night, I glanced over at her and let out what seemed to be a loud laugh. She turned to me with a smile, looking a bit confused. I chuckled as my eyes looked down at the custard on her lips and then back up at her eyes. A smirk tugged at my lips, a bright idea coming into my head.

I looked down at Reia's light pink lips, and then locked eyes with her, biting my lip ever so slightly. I held back a grin when I saw her cheeks turning a tint of red. Bringing my hand to her face and gently cupping her cheek, I leaned in until my face was about 3 inches from hers. Swiftly and gently my finger slid over her top lip, wiping up the leftover custard. I say back and licked the cream off my finger, watching her eyes widen as she lightly pushed me.

All too soon, the car came to a stop in front of her apartment. I quickly got out of the car and opened the door for her. I watched her as she stood up and ran her fingers over her dress.

"I had a really great time, Hansol!" She signed with a shy smile spreading across her face.

"So did I. Hopefully we can do this again! Maybe I won't tease you next time." I playfully winked, making her roll her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sure you won't Hansol..." She joked "But in all seriousness I'd love to do this again." I nodded my head eagerly, but tried to play it cool.

"Yeah, that would be nice."

"I hope you have a great night Hansol. Have a safe ride back, okay?" She surprised me by gently giving me a quick hug, and when she pulled away I felt her soft lips kiss my cheek. Now it was my turn to blush. I walked her to the door and then quickly retreated back to the cab, a smile on my face.

Other POV (3rd person)

Hansol arrived home with a huge smile on his face. He greeted his mother and father, and then his dear sister. His sister, Sofia, just stared at him before letting out a small giggle and dancing around in circles. "Hansol got kissed!! Hansol got kissed!" She sang teasingly. Hansol let out a loud groan and walked to the mirror in the bathroom, seeing a light pink kiss mark on his cheek.

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