"Come With Me"

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I patted the damp soil. I didn't take my eyes off of the mound of dirt as I tried to find the watering can. My irritation rising as I turn to see it wasn't there.

"Here." A cheerful voice said from beside me. I could hear the ground getting watered. I look up to see (Y/n). She tried to keep a smile from appearing on her lips. "How did you sleep last night?" Her cheeks flushed a bit.

I bite my lip. "Fine. Just kept waking up."

She took in a breath. I looked up at her from the ground, she would bring her hand up to her mouth. "Should I have stayed with you last night?" She looked concerned. Not the false thing most people have when wanting to impress someone but that she actually felt guilty for leaving.

Yes. My muscles tightened.

"No. Its fine. I just don't sleep that well anyway." I stood, patting my hands together. "What about you?" I tried to keep from smiling, I didn't want to show too much delight in this simple conversation.

She let out a laugh. "Fine." (Y/n) looked down at her feet. Nervousness coming off in waves. "I couldn't sleep either, to be perfectly honest." She motioned for me to follow her, she walked past Wendy, who was smiling as she worked.

I walked behind her. As I did, I couldn't help but watch her. Today she wore shorts and a tank top. A slightly see through tank top if I might add.

"You know," We had made it to the other side of the little house. The part were it cast a long shadow. "I've been looking for you." I could see a blush fall over on her cheeks. "But.. I didn't know you would be only a few hours away."

I sat on my ankles next to her, who had already been sitting. She struggled a bit with turning on the water. "So close yet far?" I smiled a bit when my hand brushed hers in my attempt to assist. She laughed at my statement.

"Yes." She placed the watering can beneath the water that soon flowed from the spout. I looked at her. From the day with Deliora to now, she had grown. Not just physically but in mental maturity. She talked about her experiences last night. How she watched her father die. How she would lay in the house I had left her in for 6 days with a broken arm. How she was homeless for 3 months after as she hopelessly searched for other family members only to be found by the woman here.

I had forgotten I was staring at her until she had waved her hand in front of me. I blinked. "Sorry.." (Y/n) would only shake her head.

"It's not a reason to apologize." She looked me in the eye, a smile widened. "We all zone out sometimes." It was when she had shifted slightly, I noticed how close I was to her. I looked away awkwardly.

From the corner of my eye, I could see (Y/n) look down a bit. Her eyes resting on my bear stomach. Making me feel a bit self conscious.

"Gray." I turned to her again only to be met with her pressing her forehead to mine. Her hand slowly making it's way up my chest and causing goose bumps to rise as they soon were on my neck. It was unexpected though I wasn't objecting to the sudden form of affection. "I'm sorry...I can sense the feelings of others." My eyes widened a bit. "Don't be embarrassed." I felt myself lose track of all thoughts of anything.

"You can also manipulate them." She tugged on my hair a bit as I leaned in further, closing the space between us. I could feel her slightly ragged breath on my lips.

"Only those whom I come physically in contact with." It was then, I felt an intense need to hide her away in the closest bedroom. I could only laugh.

"Stop playing with me." I leaned in closer, smiling as I brushed our lips together slightly. Not quite a kiss but something that fed my current need.

She fell silent. Her hand shook a bit. My false need turned to my own feelings. My heart raced, half from our position half from the awkwardness of her being able to read my emotions.

"Well," She barely got to a whisper. "How long are we going to sit here?" I could feel a smile form. I merely let out a 'hm' before I raised my eyebrow and landed, (Y/n) laughed a bit as her lips moved with mine.

I had lost track of all sense of time before I had spoken. "Come back with me." As I moved my hands on her thighs, I could feel her muscles shake.

"I...I don't know."

"Please...I spent eight years grieving over you." I cupped her face. I couldnt lose her again. I stroked her cheeks with my thumbs. Tears soon flowed slowly down my hands. I kissed her again in attempt of persuasion and need.

"I'll have to think about it." Her hands push on my chest. Not a push to make me go just one in thinking. "Will you stay in Black Creek?"

I could simply shake my head. "I have a responsibility to Wendy."

It was then she took in a deep breath. "Ill have to think, Gray. We're only three hours away."

But that's too far...

xXTo Be ContinuedXx

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