Chapter 5

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Potions class during the first hour was just simple basic potions, it was actually fascinating to me, but the rest of the class complains or grumbles about learning potions.
  To me, this class is soothing and calm, there's something about potions that calms me down.
The professor came in dressed in all black and he said ' my name is  Professor Snape and I'll be teaching you all bout potions all year round and during my spare time if you need help, I'll help you, but speak out of turn you'll loose points' everyone stayed silent and waited for further instruction from professor Snape.
  Professor Snape taught us how to create the Draught of the living dead and told us the difference between a few things and what each one is used for.
  One boy named Neville Long bottom who was sitting 3 rows up front messed up his potion and it blew up in his face and Professor Snape took 5 points off Gryffindor.
  As professor Snape walked around the class he stopped at my table and looked at the progress of my potion, and he said ' your the first to actually finish up this potion, after class I want you to sort through the shelves & potion scripts for me'.
I looked up at him and got a piece of paper out and I wrote 'of course I'll do that for you, I don't mind, I actually enjoy this class of yours, there's something about potions that soothes me'.
Professor Snape read what Blade wrote and nodded while he walked off, but he granted Slytherine 10 points.
   Class has ended, but I stayed behind to sort through the shelves of potions and what not, it ain't hard or anything, after I got done with that I helped professor Snape grade the class essays and assignments that the class had to do.
Professor Snape got to my paper and gave me an A+ on both assignment and essays.

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