Chapter 7

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Dinner wasn't as enjoyable or relaxing since the Slytherine groupie likes to tease and bully me.
Lately it's just been Draco who bullies me, but he didn't succeed this time, cause I brought with me my friend Embry, who's a pure black & grey wolf and he's not friendly towards others.
  Dinner came and went, but when I looked towards the staff table I didn't see professor Snape there, I was still stuck on a potion that I need to finish up before class in the morning, but the only professor who has that ingredient is Professor Snape and he's in his classroom grading papers at this time.
  Since I didn't eat much at dinner I went went to ask professor for the last ingredient that I need to finish this up, then I can get a perfect grade on it.
  I walked to professor Snapes' class and I timidly knocked on the door and I waited to enter, but I didn't have to wait cause I heard a ' come in' on the other side of the door, I slowly opened the door and I said ' excuse me, professor, but I need one last ingredient and that I need help on an assignment you gave the class earlier the difference between a hybrid and a muggle born?'.
  Professor Snape said ' ah yes, Blade you can take a seat in front of my desk and I'll help you and explain the difference between a hybrid and a muggle born, and here's that last ingredient for your potion.' I said ' thank you professor Snape.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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