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Rhett's head exploded. "You.. You are?" He stared at Link that slowly nodded back at him. None of them had any idea of what to say, and ended up just sitting there looking at each other for a while. Their minds were just mess and their mouths were completely dry. After a while, Rhett had finally built up enough courage to actually move. He pulled Link close in a tight, loving hug. He placed his mouth close to Links ear and whispered "I love you too".

Link pulled Rhett tighter to himself. He felt a tear rolling down his cheek. A tear of pure happiness. He felt like the luckiest and happiest person on earth right now. His body was filled with way too much emotions that all started to come out as tears. "Are you okay, Link?" Rhett asked when he noticed Link crying. Link nodded into his shoulder. "I'm just a bit too happy" Link said through a smile covering his entire face.
He sat back up and admired Rhett. Rhett smiled back at him. For the first time he noticed how beautiful Links eyes actually were. Like a couple of light blue diamonds framed by a pair of glasses.

They slowly leaned towards each other for another kiss, but as their noses met, Link felt something vibrate in his pocket, followed by a noise telling that he had gotten a text message. He pulled out his phone to see who it was from. "It's from Christy." He told Rhett. "I was supposed to be home three hours ago."
They concluded that it was probably best to go home now, so that their wives wouldn't be suspicious. They had another quick hug before they headed home.

"What took you so long?" Christy asked as Link entered the living room where she, Lily and Lincoln was watching tv. Lando had already gone to bed. "I told you we had a lot of stuff to at work" Link explained. His cheeks blushed a little when thinking about what actually happened. "I'm sorry for coming home so late. Ok?" He smiled at his wife that looked quite mad at the moment. After a little while of thinking, her facial expression softened up. "Okay." She said. "There is some dinner for you in the kitchen."

Link went out to the kitchen and put a plate of lasagna in the microwave. While waiting for his food to heat up, his back pocket vibrated again. The message was from Rhett this time. "Date tomorrow? 7pm at my house. Jessie and the boys are at granny's." Link immediately blushed again. A lot. In fact, his face looked more like a tomato with glasses than the actual Link. "Sign me up, baby", he sent as an answer. Filled with excitement about tomorrow night, he slowly ate his meal, enjoying every single bite. In fact, never had any lasagna tasted as good as this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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