Chapter 13 : Elise

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I'm so sorry guys I've been really busy. I was a finalist on a music competition, on the singing category, so I was working hard between that and my final exams. But guess what, I WON !!! So I'll be soon recording my own songs ON A REALLY F*CKING STUDIO !!! I'm so happy about that. Plus, I got to perform in front of 650 persons. It was filmed by cameras so I'll keep a high quality memory of it. I feel blessed and happy. Anyway, I hope you like it, leave comments and A la prochaine !



Stevie's POV

Back to uni, I can't believe I agreed to do this. To be friends, to see other persons. Of course I understand that the situation is complicated. But still, it hurts. I can't see her with someone else. I can't take that risk. What if she finds someone else ? What if she doesn't want to come back to me at the end ? I would have done all of this for nothing...

Stevie shook her head. She had to stop thinking, it only made things worse. She took her bag on the floor, put her laptop in and went toward the front door. She got inside her car and drove to university. One of her friends was there, she didn't see her.

Stevie - "Hey, Elise ! Wait !"

The girl turned around.

Elise - "Hey Stevie ! So you finally decided to come back ! Tired of playing little nurse ?" She smirked.

Stevie - "Oh my god, stop ! We're not even there yet. I mean... anymore. Well... I don't know"

Elise - "Did I miss something ? What happened ?"

Stevie - "She wants to be friends for now, she wants to get to know me again..." she said, sadness in her voice.

Elise - "And that's a bad thing because...? I can imagine it must be a total war in her head, I would do the same !"

Stevie - "Well she wants to see other people, she doesn't want us to be exclusive. How awesome to know your girlfriend could be flirting with anyone at anytime !"

Elise - "Oh... Sorry... Speaking of the devil"

Ally was coming towards them, a smile on her face. She was holding some books in her arms. Her smile looked a bit fake, as if it was exaggerated. 

Elise - "Hey Ally, I don't know if you remember me but I'm Elise. One of Stevie's friends from Management class"

Ally - "I'm sorry, no. I can't remember but nice to meet you... again"

Ally was looking alternatively at the two girls, suspicious.

Stevie - "What ?"

Ally - "Oh, nothing ! We should go to our first lesson. I still have your schedule on my bedroom wall, I know we have the same one"

Ally blushed at that confession. Stevie was the only girl she knew at university now. She'd had some facebook messages from students she was apparently friend with but she felt uncomfortable talking to them. 

Stevie - "Yes, just two seconds and we'll go"

Stevie got closer to Elise and pulled her into a tight hug.

Stevie - "Thank you so much for giving me all the lessons. I really owe you. We should hang out soon so I can repay you with a dinner or something"

Elise - "You don't have to you know". She was speaking quietly because her mouth was near Stevie's ear. Stevie let go and released her friend.

Stevie - "No, really, I insist"

Elise - "Okay then, well text me. See you later, sweetheart"

Ally had been standing there the whole time, not knowing what to do.

Ally - « Can we go now ? We're going to be late. »

She sounded a little irritated.

Stevie - « Everything's all right ? »

Ally did not respond, she only nodded, avoiding the girl's glance. Stevie shrugged and they both entered the building.

The lecturer came at her desk at the moment they arrived in the lecture theatre. Stevie knew that course was boring so she opened her lap top and divided her screen in two : Word for class and Safari for fun. She felt her now friend moving on her chair, uneasy.

Stevie - « Okay, just say it »

Ally - « What do you mean ? Say what ? »

Stevie - « You may not know me but I know you. I know when something is bothering you. What is it ? »

Ally - « I don't know what you're talking about ».

Stevie stared at her, unconvinced.

Stevie - « Okay, whatever you say »

There was then a weird atmosphere between the two girls. 

Ally - « Okay, you're right » she finally decided to say after 10 minutes of awkward silence. Stevie pretended to be listening to the teacher. She wanted to know more but Ally would have to try harder than that. Ally cleared her throat.

Ally - « You're the only one I know here now »

Stevie - « Yeah, must be very confusing » she said, keeping her gaze on the lecturer.

Ally - « I didn't remember that girl at all, Elise... right ? »

Stevie - « Yup, but I suppose it's also because you didn't really... talk with each other. She's mostly my friend, you didn't hang out with her a lot. She's only in my Management classes and we don't share the same one »

Ally - « Oh, I see. Is she a good friend of yours ? »

Stevie - « Yes, I think we can say she is. She's my closest one here. I kind of neglected her when we were... you know, but she never went mean about it. She understood. She had someone too actually. »

Ally - « Had ? »

Stevie - « Oh my god ! You just reminded me ! I have to talk to her, I need the details. That's it, I'm kidnapping her at my house tonight. I owed her a dinner anyway » she said, taking her phone out and texting her.

Ally - « It's just Monday, don't you prefer doing this in the week end ? You know, because there's no school the next day »

Stevie - « You're right... I'll tell her to stay for the night so we can come to uni together tomorrow. We have a lot of catch up to do anyway ! »

She continued texting. A few minutes later, her phone buzzed back.
Stevie - « She said Yes ! I'll pass by the super market after uni, do you need a lift home ? It's near your house. »

Ally - « No, I'm fine, thanks »

Stevie was too busy planning the evening that she didn't see the look on the girl's face. Ally had a feeling she knew too well. Jealousy.  

Remember Us (Stevie and Ally)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang