Chapter 4: Saving Me

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Bolting upright out of bed, Mark breathed heavily, his lungs heaving up and down with each exaggerated breath. Tears scaled down the sides of his face as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh god. It really was just a dream," he thought. Mark stood there in his attic wearing only his boxers, crying and laughing. "What a terrible dream. More like a nightmare." turning to his desk, he pulled a pair of slightly dirty jeans off the cluttered top and sniffed them.

"Eh. Clean enough," he sighed, not in the mood to try and find another pair. Mark brushed some loose papers aside, lifting up his back pack from his wreck of a room. Normally it's quite clean and organized, but with the big football game and homecoming next week, there just hasn't been time.

For a thursday morning, the house was unusually quiet. Normally his younger sister, Emma would be in a whirl wind to make it to school in time and have her hair and makeup done. Chris would be complaining that they were out of captain crunch (a family faveorite), and his mother would be passed out on the couch, still sleeping after a long night of her so called 'work.' But no one seemed to be home. Confused, Mark slipped his phone out of pocket. Only to have his heart nearly stop from shock of time.

"I'm late!" he screamed mentally. Forcing his faveorite black top DC sneakers on and slammed the front door open, racing out onto the street. Hot California sun beamed brightly down onto his neck, sweat drippin down on his forehead as he ran on, ripping down the side walk.

It wasn't long before he reached his high school.

Oakland California High School. Just like any other highschool, this school has its ups and downs. Constantly being graffitied and tormented, the school has gone in for wear and tear. Apparenty some kids don't like school. (catch my sarcasm there? No. Let me make it easier for you, they HATE school.) with all the Hollywood star's moving in so their kids can have a better life, the teens become so full of themselves and just party hard. Everyone, except Mark that is.

Ripping his way through the front doors, Mark sighed with relief as Ryan and Matthew came towards him.

"Dude you have to listen to me, just dump her already! You should've seen the way she was all over Mark the other day man, wayyyyy to close for comfort. Like, twelve inches for the holy spirit man! What happened to those good old ten commandments no one seems to give a damn about anymore?!"

"Drop it Matt. I'm not going to dump Vanessa for something YOU say. Just think long and hard about half the crap you talk about, most of which is inside your head or some kind of sick joke." Ryan snapped. Taken aback, Matthew froze for a minute, pouting as he mentally agreed to what had been stated.

Mark silently laughed at the two, mocking their expressions. Ryan and Matthew glared at him, crossing their arms.

"And just where were you last night, and this morning mister?!" Ryan demanded. Puzzled, Mark tilted his head.

"Yo i get that you wanted to ditch off the old shows and all man, but leaving us stranded like that, we searched everywhere for you! You so owe me, i racked up quite a bill sending you text messages." Mark glanced down at his cell phone, as it began to buzz. thirty, fourty, fourty seven messages total came in to his phone.

"But...the monsters....we ran off to the bus...." he thought, flipping through the messages.

"Whatever. It was lame either ways, so you're lucky. Let's head to third period, okay?" Matthew sighed, grabbing Mark by his wrist. He dragged him off to their science class, forcing him into a seat.

After the 7th bell, Mark walked off on his own, wanting time to himself as he went back to his house. Flipping his phone open, Mark struggled to get past all of his messages. Everytime he would answer one, a new one would pop up.

"Just how many messages did he send me?" he grinned, shaking his head as he started across the street. Forcing his phone into his pocket, he pulled his back pack on tighter. "Yesterday was just a dream. I ditched the circus and went home. It was all just a- OW!" stopping instantly, Mark raised his hand up, as it began to turn a seering red. A small scar lined next to his thumb, the core of his pain. Sliding his fingers over it, he furrowed his brows. He did not recall having such a scar yesterday. Perhaps it's a burn? Either way, it hurts. And no matter what people say, he's not emo and likes the pain.

"Maybe i should get this checked, it could be some kind of bite or infection."

Suddenly, a large blare sounded through the air, snapping Mark's attention back to the world. Looking to his right, Mark's throat burned as he cried out in horror, as a semi truck ripped his way. Wrapping his arms around his face, Mark braced for impact, frozen to the core with terror. When suddenly, something jumped in front of him from the sky.


Mark cringed, as glass shards were sprinkled over his head and shoulders. Holding his breath, Mark slowly lowered his arms, his eyes widened as he saw Ariadne standing before him. Her arms stretched out, she used only her hands to crush in the front of the car, stopping it before could harm him. Pulling her hands back, Ariadne released the truck, peeling her fingers out of the hand molds she had created into its red surface metal. Stunned the driver' gave her one look, before fainting into the passenger seat.

Brushing off her hands, Ariadne spat to the side, before looking over at her shoulder at Mark.

"Why did you do that?" Mark said. Snapping a hand to his throat, Mark gasped, surprised to hear his voice. Ariadne scoffed, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Not like it matters dip stick, you're alive aren't you?"

"You saved me.Thank you."

"Forget it goth boy. Go home to your perfect little family and stay out of trouble, you pathetic hue-man. I don't have time to save you, so don't call for me again, you got it?"

"" Ariadne stomped her feet, her face turning nine different shades of red and she grinded her teeth together.

"READ MY LIPS FREAK SHOW, DO NOT BOTHER ME GOT IT?!" she yelled. ANd with that, she pushed off into the sky, disappearing among the clouds.

"No wait I!" he cried out. But she was already gone.

Slamming open the door to his home, Mark rushed through the living room, throwing his back pack aside.

"Hey Mark," His sister Emma said casually, stepping in front of him. She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair, giving him a smile.

"Can i borrow twenty dollars? I want to go shopping with my-" irritated, Mark pushed her aside, racing upstairs to his attic. He slammed the door shut behind him, sinking to the floor. Breathing heavily, he place dhis hands over his heart, nervous sweat dripped down his forehead, his body shaking uncontrollably.

"It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a....a dream it was real it was real!" he muttered over and over. His heart pounded heavily inside his rib cage, as what had happened finally sunk into his mind. "Oh my god. i've been saved by some kind of psychotic monster girl!"

Suddenly, a sharp knock sounded at his door.

"Mark you made Emma cry and mom's too drunk to do anything, please, PLEASE make her stop!" Slamming his fist against the door, Mark locked the door, before climbing into his bed. Pulling the yellow comforter over his body, he pulled his shirt off, throwing it into the floor as he closed his eyes.

"Just let it be a dream. Let it be a dream......"

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