Chapter 2 Let The Games Begin

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They all started looking around, not knowing what to do. "What do we do?" Matt asked. "Well I think we are suppose to look around." Diana suggested. "For what exactly. The killers?" He asked in a snotty tone. "Okay, well where are we then?" April asked. "We are next to a lake." Answered Damien. "That means we should be running into." April was saying before she was interrupted. "Look let's cut to the chase, they want to see death. Instead of throwing us in here, with probably nothing, they could have throwing us together, so I can kill you, because that's what I'm going to do." Jake said pulling a gun out. Everybody stood motionless, not staring at Jake thought; they were staring at what's behind Jake. "You guys that scared?" He asked them laughing. Matt shook his head no, and then pointed behind him. Jake walked towards them, and turned around looking at Jason Voorhees. "It's a robot, watching this." Jake said smiling.  

Jake pointed the gun at Jason and shot him three times. Jason didn't move at all, but there was a little bit of blood. Jason started to walk towards them slowly. "Okay now we need to run." Jake said to them. All of them bolted after he said that. All going in different directions, except for April and Alex. "What do we do?" April asked in a panic voice. Alex was breathing heavily, holding his hands on his knees. "Well we stay alive. We have to do us, and that's fight back, and kill." Alex responded to her. April looked at him with a dumbfounded face. "Oh yeah, fight back. May I ask how? Just in case you didn't see what happened he shot the damn thing three times and it didn't even move. It shed a little blood." April yelled at him. Alex stood up straight and grabbed her by the mouth. "Hush, don't make a sound. I heard movement." Alex whispered to her. They both stood there quite listening, as somebody walked closer and closer. They could hear the leaves crunching, and it was hard to see from a distance, because of the smog. Alex and April started to back up, trying not to step on anything that would make noise.  

"Hey. Hey, you guys." April and Alex heard. They looked to their right. "Come on this way." Diana said to them. Alex and April ran over to Diana. "There's a house up here we can hide in." Diana said. "Did you check it out?" April asked. Diana nodded her head. "From what I could see, when I walked around and checked all the rooms." Diana said to them. "Okay, let's go." Alex said. They started to run up a hill, reaching a little farm house. They ran into the house, and locked the door behind them. "We should be safe in here for a little bit." Diana said.  

Meanwhile, in the wood Jake was crouching around some bushes. He looked over one of them, to see Jason standing there. Jake crouched back down. "Shit." Jake whispered to himself. He looked around him to see what he had, and he saw a small rock. He picked it up and through it in another direction. He looked over the bush, and when the rock landed Jason followed the noise. He stayed down, but kept walking along bushes and trees.  

He finally got out of the woods a little later, and ended up on a street. "A Street? Do they have a town on this island too?" He asked himself. He looked around and found a car. He went to open the car, and the alarm started going off. He started to panic and look around. "Shut the fuck up." He panicked. He kept looking around and saw a store. He ran over to the store, and opened up the door, closing it behind him. When he got in, his eyes grew wide. "A toy store? This is the only store they have opened?" He said with a shaky voice.  

He started walking around the store, seeing all sorts of toys and gadgets. Then he came in front of a ton of the same toy. The good guy dolls. "Good Guy Doll. He wants to be your best friend." He said with a chuckle. He started to hear voices and he jumped. "Who's there?" He yelled. He walked up to the open Good Guy Doll. Right beside it is a sign that says "Try Me". "Hey little guy, what's your name?" He asked the doll. The doll blinked and looked at him. "My name is Chucky, and I'll be your friend till the very end. Hyde Ho." The doll finished with a chuckle. The guy rolled his eyes.  

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